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Torn Mayo provided three naps focused on,the proposed Mashpee Commons <br /> project; the vision Map, Zoning Map, Mashpee Proposed vision Map and Zoning. <br /> Dennis Bal arini recommended to the Board that a vision Map not he approved <br /> until such time as here is.a Development Agreement with Mashpee Commons. <br /> Diary Waygan agreed that the proposed vision Map is"too big" and is going t <br /> interfere with the Development Agreement. <br /> fir. Da c mbe having completed his presentation, this.matter concluded at <br /> P.M.) <br /> The Chairman thanked Mr. Dascombe and Ms. looney for attending the meeting <br /> and presenting the information to the Board. <br /> Zoning Articles <br /> Amending Section 1744 y deleting the listing of "IC Overlay District". This <br /> article would eliminate the IC Overlay zoning district and allow those uses currently <br /> allowed in that district by Planning Board special permit to be allow, under the same <br /> terms, in all of the 1-1 -Industrial zoning districts. <br /> Amending Section 174-24.H by adding the following uses to subsection H.I. <br /> B, l , . 1 , B. o , F " . and L(I , amending subsection 17 - .B. l of the <br /> Table of Use Regulations to add the phrase "dance or gymnastics studios," after the term <br /> :health clubs", <br /> And by amending subsection 17 - .I (13 of the Table of Use Regulations to read; <br /> "Temporary sales of Christmas trees, provided the sales shall not be conducted before <br /> Thanksgiving or after December 3 1, and all trees, signs and temporary structures shall be <br /> set back a minimum of forty o feet from all streets and shall be removed within tern <br /> (10) clays after the close of the sale."' <br /> Amending Section 174-3 Definitions—This article defines contractor years and <br /> contractor bays, uses which have not been specifically allowed in the Table of Uses, yet <br /> have been permitted and established under vague interpretations of wholesale storage, <br /> trucking terminals and "plumbing, electrical or carpentry shops"'. It also specifies that <br /> these uses will be allowed by special permit in the I-1 Industrial Zone. <br /> Amending subsections 17 - 2. . and G. —This article would allow certain <br /> otherwise prohibited sign types in pedestrian shopping plazas in order to increase their <br /> commercial viability and visual interest. <br /> There was some discussion regarding the use of neon slgnsintemlly lit signs, it <br /> was the general consensus of the Planning Board to eliminate both of these sign types. <br />