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Energy <br /> 1.r. Dascobe addressed the issue of energy stating that the focus encourages <br /> renewable and sustainable energy practices. a requirement.for on-site energy, <br /> 10% of electrical.demand i th.(flexible options.for Alternate -compliance). Other <br /> standards such as green building standards-and energy star certification are-required a <br /> well. Mixed use is exempt from the 10%energy requirement, in-an attempt to encourage <br /> this type of development. <br /> Flexible Threshold Changes <br /> r. Dascome mentioned some key poi <br /> Mr. -The.effects of changing the <br /> thresholds are,based use categories; it is Town-initiated, does not supersede or <br /> replace local zoning; the torn.chooses the appropriate size of threshold that fits <br /> Community growth goals; there is no-automatic lowering of thresholds in RPA or Other <br /> areas; there i a requirement that toms have protections in place before thresholds are <br /> changed. <br /> Range Avian ble for Flexible Thresholds <br /> Commercial.square footage threshold is 10,0 ; Economic Centers-is between <br /> zero and o,o o; Industrial, Service, and Trade areasis zero to ,o o; Villages not <br /> exceed 10100% Resource Protection Area could be tow'ered.if you choose, zero to , oo; <br /> Other is zero to 1 , 0. <br /> When questioned, Sharon Rooney responded that.the Range Chart is part of a <br /> proposed regulation that has been submitted to the Assembly of Delegates, brit not yet <br /> adopted. Industrial uses are defined within the Regional Policy Plan and are of a broad <br /> range, but would not include office and/or retail uses. The intent raise the <br /> thresholds-for the intended uses. <br /> The Town would adopt the thresholds that would apply iunl*forr l r, projects would <br /> be considered on a case by case basis, with an option to change the thresholds. In which <br /> case the Town would male application to the CCC to change the DRI threshold for any <br /> of the mapped area. <br /> The mapping was intended to precede any requests for threshold changes; the <br /> Regional Policy Plan was adopted first in order to set an overall guide. The-mapping is <br /> intended to accompany the Plan to assist in planning for an area, and based upon the <br /> planning to request changes in thresholds, if and when warranted. <br /> Mr. Dascombe continued by stating there is a similar grange provided for <br /> Residential Units/Lots, zero to 0; and Mixed Uses 20,000 square feet total square <br /> footage, or up to 10,000 square-feet for Commercial. <br /> 6 <br />