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development in the center of Town.and which will forever change the character of the <br /> Town as well. <br /> The Chairman stated that he is aware that in Smart growth practices, second and <br /> third story development within a mixed use is encouraged, but with much more open <br /> space. The Mashpee Commons project offers very little, if any open space. The majority <br /> of the land in the project will be built out. <br /> Dennis Bal artnu*-also commented that because the Mashpee Commons�projeet <br /> already has a large amount of credit with the CCC,the Town of Mashpee will receive <br /> very little mitigation:.for transportation impacts. <br /> Mr. Dascombe agreed, stating however that the newly-proposed development <br /> would not require additional mitigation morues, especially if there are safety impact <br /> issues/concerns. <br /> The Chairman inquired as to the multiplier being used in this calculation, and the <br /> actual loss to the Town by the second and third story development. He stated there is.a. <br /> lot of square footage, traffic, and impacts involved with the amount of development being <br /> proposed. <br /> Mr. Dascombe was not prepared to provide this information. <br /> The Chairman agreed with-statements made by Mr. Balzarini, stating the <br /> proposed development is massive and will have an effect on the abutting towns as well. <br /> He feels improvements to the roadways will have to be addressed as there will be <br /> substantial traffic e impacts as a result of the development. <br /> Mr. I ascombe agreed, stating that the traffic/safety concerns will have to be met <br /> under the Development Agreement process. <br /> The Town Planner suggested the Planning Board not make a decision on adopting <br /> the Vision Map until such time as the Development Agreement process has been <br /> accomplished., as an incentive for negotiations with Mashpee Commons. <br /> Sharon Rooney rep rted that seven towns have,adopted the Land Use Vision <br /> Map, Barnstable being tine most-recent, Sandwich, Yarmouth, Brewster, Orleans, <br /> East ham, and wellfleet. A Public Hearing is required for adoption of the map for <br /> vision planning purposes, with are endorsement by the Planning Board,a review by the <br /> full CCC at Public Dearing, and with adoption by the Assembly of Delegates. In the <br /> event the map is--adopted, the regional land use vision map would be amended to include <br /> the ToWn of Mashpee. In order to change thresholds, a joint request of;the Planning <br /> Board and Board of Selectmen is required. <br /> 5 <br />