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the impacts of commercial development based upon housing needs. There is a dollar <br /> amount imposed per square foot that varies depending upon use of the building, which is <br /> held in an escrow account until the town has an affordable housing need. <br /> Transportation <br /> CCC traffic mitigation has been based upon the number of trips generated by the <br /> project. The Iegi.onal Policy Plan requires the Applicant to rmitigate all of their trips for <br /> that project,regardless ofwhere the trips end. Any developer who increases the number <br /> of trips on the roadways-meets their fair share of impacts. The %trip reduction <br /> requirement generates mitigation to incorporate gays to get people out of.their cars, such <br /> as transit, sidewalks, and other trip reduction programs that might be incorporated into <br /> the business. All mitigation monies are.applied to the affected communities for traffic <br /> improvement. <br /> (Mr. l ascombe then made reference to a graphic, "Transportation ( litigation <br /> Example" Towns A, B, and C and explained how the map would work through the CC <br /> and how the traffic mitigation would be proportioned fairly in a regional approach <br /> between the areas with regard to a certain developentlbusiness. <br /> Mr. lascombe spore to the Nlashpee Commons project, explaining that Applicant <br /> has an extremely large traffic credit to the CCC process. They have contributed their fair <br /> share to the traffic,signal at Route 11, Job's F Road and route 2 8, Donna Dane. <br /> Applicant actually paid for the full costs of building both signals; their credit at one point <br /> was over 1 million dollars, which credit is currently $770,000.00 (approximately). <br /> project within economic centers with office or residential use over the first <br /> floor, no.mitigation is regwred for those trips generated by those uses. Mixed use <br /> (Mashpee Commons project) development with office and residential on the second Boor <br /> requires no mitigation process to the Town by the CCU: Also, with--regard to trip <br /> reduction, the requirement is lower, half as much, 12 1 2%trip reduction for those uses. <br /> Dennis lalzarini asked for clarification in this regard. If the map is adopted by <br /> the Town of Ma hpee, the second and third floor Mashpee Commons development will <br /> not he calculated for mitigation purposes. <br /> Mr. I ascombe confirmed this would b the ase. l;ie informed the Board that this <br /> was a conscience decision on the part of the CCC during the IPP process which <br /> incorporated a great deal of public input, as a way of leveling the playing field to <br /> encourage growth and as an incentive for growth at higher levels (acknowledging the loss <br /> to traffic mitigation). <br /> Dennis BaLzarini stated he would agree With a re-development project (such as a <br /> factory building with several levels); but with Ma hp a Commons new development <br /> project, it appears that the Town will loose a considerable amount of mitigation to a-large <br />