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10/08/2014 ZONONG BOARD OF APPEALS Minutes
Town Clerk
10/08/2014 ZONONG BOARD OF APPEALS Minutes
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MASHPEE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS <br />OCTOBER 8, 2014 <br />. MINUTES <br />The additional acreage will keep the deck compliant with the side and rear setback <br />requirements and will be under the 20% lot coverage, but does not conform with the setback <br />to the paper road known as Monomoscoy West. The existing structure is non -conforming <br />therefore there was a need to apply for a Finding with the 14 x 16 deck addition. <br />The Board wanted confirmation that both lots are now owned by the Hackett's. Mr. Kirrane <br />said the Hackett's took over the adjacent lot by deed. He provided the Board with a copy <br />of the two deeds that depict four lots; "608, 609, 610 and 611" and were recorded on <br />6/9/2014. <br />Mr. Blaisdell read the Board of Health comments into the record; "Septic repaired in June <br />for (2) two bedrooms. No comments on the deck required." <br />Mr. Bonvie made a motion to issue a Written Finding to Robert M. Hackett and Marjorie <br />A. Hackett, also known as RMMAH8 Nominee Realty Trust under a Trust dated March 6, <br />2007, and §174-17 of the Zoning By-laws to allow for construction of a deck on property <br />located in an R-3 Zoning District at 10 Stanley Road, (Map 114 Parcel 88 & 89), Mashpee, <br />MA. Issuing the Finding the Board makes reference to a plot plan prepared by: JC <br />Engineering, Inc.. 2854 Cranberry Hwy., East Wareham, Ma 02538, titled; Proposed Site <br />Plan, prepared for Marjorie Hackett, located at 10 Stanley Road, Mashpee, MA, 02649. <br />Scale: 1 inch = 10 feet, dated October 16, 2013, Revision date 11/04/13, 1/6/14 and 8/4/14. <br />Conditioned upon the parcels 88 & 89 have merged and can never be separated in entirety <br />by the same realty trust that is the same applicant as recorded. The Board also finds the <br />project is not substantially more detrimental than the pre-existing non -conforming <br />structure, the deck will conform to current building code requirements, is compatible in <br />size with other structures in the neighborhood, and there is sufficient parking and setbacks <br />as may be required. <br />Mr. Reiffarth, seconded, yes, Mr. Furbush, yes, Mr. Blaisdell, yes, Mr. Scott Goldstein, <br />yes, All were in favor. <br />John C. and Debra M. Landsiedel: Request a Written Finding under §174-17 & §174- <br />20 of the Zoning By-laws to raze and replace a single-family dwelling located on property <br />in an R-3 Zoning District at 12 Monomoscoy Road West, (Map 114 Parcel 68), Mashpee, <br />MA. <br />John Slavinsky, Cape & Islands Engineering represented the Petitioner requesting to raze <br />and replace their three season dwelling. The plan depicts the existing and proposed three <br />bedroom home with landscaping. He stated the plan was approved by the Conservation <br />Commission and given an order of conditions. <br />Mr. Slavinsky stated the Board of Health wants the second floor office to have a 6 -foot <br />permanent opening. The lot coverage will be 19.6% and the height of the dwelling will be <br />29 feet. The new dwelling will meet current zoning side setbacks at 15 feet, the elevation <br />is 12. The basement floor is 12.5, and the slab will be built up above the flood zone. <br />3 <br />
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