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sloe Bien: Quashnot Woods s S-u <br /> _b #tyIsion. , 2 <br /> Mr. Breen provided plans/survey for revievrv. He pointed out an area where the house <br /> was 'misted" and got too close to property line. This rn ke veil# be corrected, he said. <br /> He also provided copies of the follovWng: check, tax bills, deed, application for Form A, <br /> and a digital copy of plans on disk. Plans were signed. <br /> HgXSJNk_ eaft Tr ustUack L n Sul <br /> Torn Fudala had received the revised plans from Mr. Landers�auley, who was unable <br /> W be present. He inquired as to whether or not Charlie had seen the plans, as there <br /> were topography and drainage issues. Charlie looked over the plans and asked if there <br /> were drainage calculations done. Tom responded that there were none provided. Matt <br /> suggested that Charlie take the plans to review and that there be a continuance for this <br /> ,,natter. <br /> n ime_PgIpA Parr y <br /> Tour Fudala said that cone samples were requested by Charlie and were not provided <br /> by Mr. Bornstein. <br /> Torn Quinn, Project Manager, apologized and provided a lengthy explanation as to why <br /> Charlie was not notified of the paving. He claims he did not know until the last minute <br /> that the paving was going to tape place and that he had to exercise crisis management. <br /> He got a camera and video equipment to tape the paving process. He was unable to <br /> contact Charlie and was afraid that if the paving did not occur, the project would.not be <br /> able to go forward and that people would continue to be inconvenienced. He strongly <br /> urged the Board to view the video of the paving and was confident that they would be <br /> satisfied with-what they saw. <br /> Dennis wanted further explanation as to why the paging company just shoved up <br /> without gluing prior notice. Further explanation was given. <br /> Jim suggested that Charlie view the video and if it wasn't sufficient, their he should o <br /> g <br /> ahead and request cores. <br /> Beverly brought up the fact that there has been ongoing problems with Windchime. <br /> Martine concurred that this type of thing has happened Mare. Beverly expressed <br /> concem that Windchime would be setting a precedent for others to simply send videos <br /> to the Board. There was brief discussion. <br /> Matt recommended that Charlie view the video and take it from them. <br /> A&tfon made by Dennis to have Dhartie review the video and inform the Board if h <br /> feels it is adequate, and if not, their core samples would have to be provided. Seconded <br /> by Jim. Carried unanimously. <br />