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MASHPEE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS <br />OCTOBER 9, 2013 <br />' MINUTES <br />Kevin Olsen, Representative of Wright -Pierce stated he is one of the consultants working <br />with Mr. Perrine and Community Builders. His focus with Community Builders is the 40 <br />year old waste water infrastructure site. The time has arrived for an improvement of the <br />waste water collection system as well as treatment and disposal. He gave an overview of <br />the project and site of the building location. He stated there are currently three different <br />systems in place. This project will basically provide one common system and provide a <br />near term solution. It will help mitigate the current pumping needs but will also provide a <br />long term reliable sustainable solution. The proposed structure will be designed and <br />constructed in conformance with DEP permitting. He stated he consulted with Tom Fudala <br />on several occasions to make sure the solution on the wastewater side was consistent with <br />the Town's overall comprehensive wastewater management planning, is consistent with <br />the Mass Estuaries Project nitrogen goals, and will provide improved discharge quality to <br />the ground water. The current system is putting out 30 milligrams per leader of total <br />nitrogen into the ground water. The new system will put out 5-10 milligrams per leader to <br />700 lbs. year, or less. <br />Stephanie stated there are currently three separate systems.'The individual septic systems <br />that exist under Title 5 will be properly abandoned and require emptying and filling them <br />with sand or appropriate material. Each of the homes and apartment buildings will no <br />. longer have or share any Title 5 Systems. This new system will connect all the homes and <br />apartments. Besides the obvious benefits of one centralized treatment facility, and <br />enhanced treatment of the wastewater, is the allegations imposed by the grandfathered <br />discharge permit issued by the department including monitoring, making certain the plant <br />is working at the appropriate level, as well as financial assurance requirements for ongoing <br />maintenance and replacement of the system. This is a significant commitment by the <br />applicant and well worth to the existent that it overlaps with the Board's authority and the <br />1974 Special Permit. <br />Mr. Furbush stated he, Mr. Blaisdell, and Mr. Morgan met with Town Counsel and <br />discussed whether this is a minor or a major modification and there are no problems with <br />this project being a minor modification and does not require a special hearing. <br />Mr. Blaisdell made a motion to approve TCB Mashpee Village LP, request a modification <br />to the 1974 Special Permit under § 174-24(C) 9 (a) (b) of the Zoning By-laws and M.G.L. <br />Chapter 40A §6 to allow for construction of a single additional accessory building on <br />property located in an R-5 Zoning District at One Wampanoag Drive, (Map 66 Parcel 1-0- <br />R), Mashpee, MA. Referencing a letter received by the Mashpee Town Clerk stamped on <br />September 4, 2013 from Smolak & Vaughn dated August 30, 2013 and consists of eight <br />pages and a drawing C-8 from Wright -Pierce and existing condition drawings page <br />numbers 1 of 3. <br />Richard Jodka, second, yes, Votes: Jonathan Furbush, yes, James Reiffarth, yes, Dom <br />• DeBarros, yes. All were in favor. <br />