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04/15/2015 PLANNING BOARD Minutes
04/15/2015 PLANNING BOARD Minutes
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w <br /> (Continued from March 4, 2015) <br /> The Vice Chair read for the record the public hearing notice. Stuart Bornstein was present to discuss <br /> his request to modify his Special Permit to allow the sale of cars at his property. Mr. Bornstein <br /> explained that his facility would continue to serve as storage but that the car owners may wish to sell <br /> their cars, which he would manage online. Mr. Bornstein also acted that 184 parking spaces were <br /> devoted to the site, but that his permit allowed just two vehicles to be stored outside overnight. fir. <br /> Bornstein has had requests to offer RV storage and requested that the Board allow him to beep the RVs <br /> on site, fenced and secured neatly outside. Mr. Bornstein stated that it would be a benefit to the <br /> community as RV owners would likely part the vehicles on their streets or in their yards or in a local <br /> Mr. Bornstein did not expect to house more than 25 or 30 leis. <br /> The Nice Chair referenced the memo received from Fire Chief Rullo regarding the spdn ler system, <br /> noting that he did not feel that the question with the State should delay Mr- ornstein"s request for <br /> permit modification. Additionally, the Mashpee Building Commissioner submitted a letter indicating <br /> that his office had no issue with Mr. ornstein's property. There was clarification regarding the map <br /> showing the 52,000 square foot existing building, featuring two floors. fir. Bornstein referenced his <br /> plans to complete the second building in the next 6 months, which currently featured a foundation <br /> only, fir. Balzarini inquired about the size of the RVs M.T. Bornstein would store,the location for the <br /> parking and whether there would be sufficient parking available once the second building was <br /> constructed. Ir. Bornstein indicated that he would accept is 8 feet wide and 1 - 0 feet long and <br /> expected he would park them sideways, depending on the size, Mr. Rowley Arley indicated that th re was <br /> no way to make the determination regarding the layout of the vehicles without knowing exactly ghat <br /> size RVs would be accepted and expressed concern regarding Fire Department access_ Chairman <br /> Petersen suggested that lighting would be needed for security purposes. The vice Chair stated the <br /> Board wot►1d be unable to act on Mr. ornstein's request at this time. brit-. Bornstein indicated that he <br /> would have his engineer draft a plan to be considered at a future meeting. The Vice Chair requested <br /> that consideration of the modification be re-advertised. My. Fudala indicated that there was no <br /> particular use in the bylaw as described by Mr. B ornstein so it would need to be an Informal <br /> agreement, <br /> Mr. Fudala read through Modification#4 of Special Permit Decision for Duck Pond I "*tied <br /> partnership oily Management & Supply, Inc. 'Where was discussion regarding "d floor storage, the <br /> sprinkler plan and the drafting of a fire process for the 2dfloor. There was agreement from Board <br /> members allowing boat storage for 11r1r_ ornstein's boat. <br /> The vice Chair opened the 7; o public hearing for SGFS fealty Trust and read the request. Mr. <br /> Fudala indicated that the applicant had requested a.continuance to May 6. <br /> MOTION: Mr. B rini made a motion to reschedule the public hearing to May 6 at 7:10 p.m. <br /> Mr. Cummings seconded the motion. Ali voted unanimously. <br /> The appointed time having rrived, the vice Chair also opened the 7: 0 public hearing for Jack Carter <br /> and read the request for the record_ The applicant has requested a postponement. <br /> MOTION: Mr. Balzarini made a motion to continue the public hearing for Jack Carter to May <br /> at 7:30 p.m. Mr. Cummings seconded the motion. All voted unanimously. <br /> The Vice Chair returned to the Special Permit Modification. Mr_ Fudala made a correction to #2 on <br /> page 5. Mr. Rowley rrley stated that, until the sprinkler system was resolved, vehicles c of l not be stored at <br /> 2 <br />
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