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01/07/2015 PLANNING BOARD Minutes
01/07/2015 PLANNING BOARD Minutes
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Ms. wargan reported that a plan had been submitted for the Red Cedar Circle area of Windchime. <br /> Many of the trees had outgrown the space and it was recommended that the condominium association <br /> develop a plan to replace trees. Any tree removed would be replaced 1:1 or more. <br /> MOTION:: Ms. waygan recommends an approval of the Windchime Condominium Red Cedar <br /> Tree Program dated 01 01 . Mr.. al rir'i seconded the motion. AH voted unanimously. <br /> There was discussion regarding a possible deadline for replacing the trees. Mr. Fudala indicated that <br /> decision could be made that the tree replanting be reported to the Planning Board. It was suggested <br /> that replanting occur within the year of the tree removal. <br /> MOTION Ms. way an made a motion that work be completed within the calendar year as <br /> listed in the Red Cedar Tree Program and completed in that year. <br /> It was suggested also that an update be provided 6 months after removal of trees by submitting <br /> photographs. There was further discussion as to why the project was stretched over 4}years and it was <br /> expected that it was due to budget constraints. <br /> MOTION: Ms. Waygan.made a motion to approve the submission of the landscape plan for the <br /> circled areas on Red Cedar Road with the condition that the activities that are spelled out for. <br /> each of the years of 2015, 2016,2017 and 2018 that any and all activities-specified for that <br /> individual year shall be completed within that-calendar year,with a photograph of the <br /> replacement tree submitted to the Planning Board within 6 months of the activity, Mr. <br /> Kooharian seconded the motion. All voted unanimously., <br /> PUBLIC HE11TG <br /> :10 Applicant: Bayswater Development, LLC <br /> Location: The Cottages at New S abury- Phase H, off Cross Road in New Seabury <br /> Section <br /> Request: Approval of 59 lot building lots) Derinitive Subdivision Plan <br /> Chairman Petersen read for the record the public hearing notice. John Falacci from Bayswater was- <br /> present, along with project engineer Dave Crispin,.and described the request. Mr. Falacci noted that <br /> the property had been developed under Special Permit 1 64-l first issued in 1964. Mr. Falacci has met <br /> to discuss the project with a number of Mashpee boards and departMents. <br /> Dave Crispin, BSC, referenced Phase I with roadways, storm drains, water lines, sewer lift station and <br /> foundations in place, noting that Phase II would be located across from Phase I_ Mr. Crispin described <br /> the run off'and rain garden system. lair. Crispin pointed out that the Phase II homes would have a roof <br /> top recharge pit, but otherwise consistent with Phase I. Mr. Crispin has been in regular <br /> contact with A1r. Rowley. Mr. Bowleg noted that technical issues that.he had raised had been <br /> addressed. Additional concerns included grading and clear cutting of the project as a second step in <br /> the project_ Mr. Rowley ley explained that the project was east of Whispering Sands Lane where there <br /> were steep slopes, with fill needed to create housing locations. It was agreed that the project would be <br /> phased and east of Whispering Sands Lane would not be cleared until they were read} to develop the <br /> area., although Mr. Falacci expressed concern due to the setbacks of the parcels. Mr. Rowley wanted to <br /> reduce the length of time that the soil would be exposed. Mr. Baarini inquired whether Phase II had <br /> already been clear cut and Mr. Falacci clarified that it was Phase III that had been clear cut due to a <br /> judgment. Regarding timing of the project, Mr. Falacci indicated that it would be based on the market <br /> and the completion of Phase I. Regarding phasing, Mr. Falacci referenced his concern about the lot <br /> 2 <br />
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