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07/28/2010 PLANNING BOARD Minutes
07/28/2010 PLANNING BOARD Minutes
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r <br /> MT. Storrs expressed his concern about a revision that includes"interim" as it would difficult <br /> for developers to obtain financing from a bank- Mr. Storrs further stated that projects can not obtain <br /> financing without a pernnit. Mr. Fudal stated that"on an interim or long term basis" meant until a <br /> public system became available since that was in the best hmnxst of Town. Mr. Fudala further <br /> suggested that decisions could be written to allow the project to be tied in to a private system-until a , <br /> public system became available and that there would be no specific cat off date. Chairman waygan <br /> added that the wording would alloy a private become a public wastewater treaCtent system. <br /> Mr. Rowley suggested that the intent of the p bras i ng could be written in as a special condition on the <br /> permit. Chairman waygan questioned the removal of the Fling and whether Zoning would prevent <br /> it from becoming a public wastewater went facility. Mr. Fudala suggested that a decision could be <br /> written to allow tying in to a plant on an interim basis.- Chairman waygan suggested removing the <br /> phrase "on,an i r t ri rr-or long term-basie with additional axpi .n on�about the inter of tl atsecton of <br /> the by-law. Mr. Fudala did not feel that additional wording was necessary. Ilrir. Storrs agreed with Mr. <br /> Rowley about the Planning Board's right to add conditions to the permitting. Mr. Petersen suggested <br /> removing"an interim or longterm basis"and adding "and made part of the Center's special permit" at <br /> the end of the sentence but fir. Fudal felt tht the wording would be redndret. Mr. Rowley <br /> reminded the Board tht the text being revised is part of an section that addresses Corn a] <br /> Centers and that requires a special per-' ` . Additionally, the treaent center is only one component of <br /> the project. Ch9rman Waygan supported Mr. F "s clean version of the text removing"`on an <br /> interim or long term basis." <br /> Mr. Storrs also expressed concern about wording in the exi mge that reads"and to which all <br /> cb proposed lots may be legally connected after sale to multiple individual owners." fir. Moms <br /> stated that the wording suggests that a lot could be sold only ifthere were multiple individual owners. <br /> Chairman w ygan suggested saiking"multiple." Mr. Rowley questioned whether the change would <br /> restrict use of the lots. Mr. Storrs suggested a change to the wording but Mr. Fudala responded that the <br /> Board must have a legal mechanism in place to enum the tie in io a wastewater system. Mr. Petersen <br /> questioned the statement gaffer sale toindividualowners" and whether it would preclude an LP from <br /> buying. Mr. Storrs suggested ' g the warding to"and to which all such proposed lots may be <br /> legally connected.' The Board was in agreement that the goal of the text was to ensure that structures <br /> be connected to a wastewater UwMnent plant and W. Fudala confirmed BP's need to have a legal <br /> mechanism to ensure.that individual lot owners pay their fees. The Whir suggested adding"after sale" <br /> to"and to which all such proposed lots may be legally connected_" Mr. Rowley felt that the wording <br /> might suggest that the connection could not be made unW after the sales arean another condition. <br /> Mr. Rowley suggested changing the wording `and to which all such proposed lots shall be legally <br /> connected." Mr. Petersen supported the changed wordihg. lair_Fudala felt that the intent oft e <br /> wording would then be chgd and the Bid discussed qualifying for legal connection to <br /> wastewater treatment facility through_CEP. Bard memben supported use of"may be legally <br /> connected." <br /> The Chair read the amended bylaw subsection as follows: <br /> "However, no lot may be created which does not meet the minimum lot area and frontage <br /> requirements of the zoning district unless said lot is serviced by a public wastewater treatment plant, or <br /> is serviced by a private wastewater went facility whose use to service said lots is approved by the <br /> Planning Board, and to which all such proposed lots may be legally connected." <br /> MOTION: Mr. Petersen made a motion to approve. Mr. Ba arini seconded the motion All <br /> voted unanimously, <br /> 2 <br />
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