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- f <br /> Referencing the North Market Street plan,Mr. Storrs noted that there were limited changes to the <br /> original plan but#hart the block structure on the right hand side, the site of a possible connection with <br /> the KC Coombs School, been simplified and will aflow for a future connection should the Town <br /> choose to do so. In the lower right corner of the plan, livwork units have been eliminated and <br /> replaced with commercial mixed use buildings. The intent of the new plan moves the more <br /> commercial structures to the east and more residential units to the west. The central square area has <br /> been eliminated and the street bent to slow tic with an offset green that offers public space. In the <br /> wrest, a simplistic block plan provides northsouth misthat make connections to the bike path., skate <br /> park and municipal properties. Single family domes have also been eliminated. Mr. Storrs stated than <br /> the intent was to offer a broader range of uses in the neighborhood. Mr. lalarini questioned traveling <br /> west to east on Rt. 151 and whether or not the property could be accessed in that direction. fir. Storrs <br /> responded that individuals could turn a .Drank HicksRoad and then.right into the complex and that the <br /> complex would feature a"right in right out" safety valve. No lights will be in place to enter the <br /> complex and Mr. BaJ7Adni expressed concern about the amok of traffic that will exist so close to the <br /> emergency responders. Mr. "in' complemented the Mans flow of traffic within the complex, <br /> eliminating the pinwheel and questioned an eventual connection with the school and the width of that <br /> particular street. Mr. Storrs responded that the road would feature two directions. Mr. Kooharian <br /> questioned the sidewalk alongside Route 15 l and whether or not it could be set bank on the green <br /> among the trees. Mr. Storrs agreed with Mr. Kooharian and suggested that most pedmtrians would be <br /> utilizing the bile path rather than the 151 sidewalk Mr. Fudala emp that the sidewalk will be a <br /> useful connector to the market.. Mr. Pmrsen questionedthe space in the left band corner where single <br /> family homes were eliminated and Mr. Storrs oonfirmed that the space is for parking. Mr. Fudala <br /> suggested that the parking needs to be refined. Mr. Fudal also responded to Mr. l al arini"s question <br /> about traffic and reported that traffic backed up on Frank Hicks would be expedited since the fire <br /> department can trigger a green light dwing emergency calls. Chairman waygan questioned the <br /> number of housing units available and fir. Storm suggested o units, but that it depended whether <br /> the units became townhouses or livework units. The Chair questioned the anticipated number of <br /> households with children, recommending that park space be made available to families. fir. Storrs <br /> suggested that it-would be unlikely-that flies with children would live in the area since most.units <br /> would be I-2 bedroom units. Mr. Storm also stated that the site is adjacent to green space and will be <br /> connected to the schools but noted the importance of ping for the best aspect of the center of the <br /> community.. 11r. Storrs also noted that the cu ie,wit plan does not contain such details as park benches <br /> and landscaping, but that they are intended. Mr. Balzarini questioned whether the footprint depicted <br /> on the plan is accurate and Ir. Stogy agreed,but qualified it by stating that specificity later in the <br /> process may result in some changes, such as use of 2 floors or 3 floors, and does not anticipate any <br /> dramatic changes. Orman Way gan questioned the amount of parking and Mr. Storrs responded that <br /> the parking depicted was needed. Mr. Storrs highlighted his conceptual use plan which depicts his hest <br /> guess of the development"s use, which assists in determining parking needs. The Chair questioned use <br /> of 3 stories and Mr. Moms noted that it would depend upon the end owner. Mr. Balzarini questioned <br /> maint i.ning the square footage and Mr. Storrs indicated that special ` s will be issued by unit. <br /> The Chair indicated her preference that not every building be 3 stones and expressed interest in <br /> including a cap in the development agreement on the number of 3 storied buildings allowed. Mr. <br /> 1 al zarini rioted that 3 story buildings change the character of the Cape. The Chair stated that the <br /> development agreement includes a cap on commercial square footage and a cap on residential units. <br /> Mr. Storrs shed his intention that not emery building will be 3 stories but suggested the need to <br /> provide for at least 0%as 3 stones. The Chair expressed comfort with 0% as 3 stories and <br /> recommended that Mr. Storrs consider the oentage of square footage for 3 story buildings. Mr. <br /> Storrs confirmed that some parking will be present beneath some buildings. <br />