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has a 75%plan from the State. Nor. Storrs and the Board discussed the future of I t. 28, Rt. 151 and the <br /> rotary. <br /> Mr. Storrs stated that he considered the comments from the Board and feels that the plans are <br /> n <br /> improved, noting that there may still be some tweaking of the plans while entering the formal <br /> -application. Chairman waygan referenced the need for open space and the initial consideration of the <br /> Trout Pond parcel and areas around the pond being designated for open space. Although the Trout <br /> Pond parcel has been removed from the development agremnent members of the community have <br /> requested that open space be set aside from around Trout Pond. Mr. Marrs responded that open space <br /> has been set aside at-Great Neck Road South and reported that the land around Trout Pond is not <br /> owned by M shpee Commons LL . Chairman waygan responded that she voted to pursue the <br /> development agreement based on.a draft executive-summary that set aside open space-around Trout <br /> Fond. Mr. Storrs responded that Trout Fond, as a neighborhood, is no longer part of the development <br /> agreement and that around the pond is owned by Arnold B. Chase, Jr. as an individual-and 1 <br /> acres in the area are owned by Mashpoe Commons. Mr. Balm expressed concern about Trout Pond <br /> becoming 40B housing. Chairman Way gan stated that a oo, ent i's needed regarding plans for <br /> Trout Fond and land owned by hashpe Commons to be set aside for open space. The Chair and lair. <br /> BalzwiA emphasized their desire that the development agreement include a statement that eliminates <br /> Trout Pond from becoming 40B housing. The Chair stated that constituents have been seeking Trout <br /> Pond open spade for two years. Chairman wa g e and Mr. 'ni expressed frustration that Trout <br /> Pond was always part of the discussion and Mr. Storrs confirmed that it renna s part of the long range <br /> plans for the five neighborhoods. Ir. Storrs stated that Trout Pond was removed-from the <br /> development agreement because the 15 acre area is designated by the Natural Hefitage Endangered <br /> Species Act. The Char noted that other areas have been removed from Natural l Heritage and as such, <br /> Trout Pond is not deed restricted open space. Mr. Storrs responded that Natural Heritage creates <br /> incredibly onerous constraints. The ChaireKpressed conc h that the Planning Board was never <br /> consulted when the other parcel was removed from Mural Heritage which is why a wildlife <br /> consultant is necessary to assist with negotiations- t Trout Pond. Board members discussed 40B at <br /> Jobs whiting and Mr. Storrs stated than a 16 member study conmmittee considered the project. The <br /> Chair suggested that if Trout pond is part of Mashpee Commons' master plan, the Board will want to <br /> discuss it and recommend that the owner of the PIUFI=tY be involved with negotiations. Mr. Storrs <br /> stated that open space at Great beck Road South was always a consideration but the Chair stated that it <br /> had only been discussed with the Cape Cod Commission and reiterated her request for a map of the <br /> laid out open space. Mr. Fudala sited that transfer of open space on Great Neck road South predates <br /> the-Board and the OSIP Bylaw was developed around the concept of the tnfer of development <br /> rights. Mr. Storrs will provide a map rep 'ng the three parcels of 52 acres of open space to the <br /> Chaff* and highlighted its location on GIS. Chairman way an expects to for Trout Pond as <br /> mitigation and Mr. Storrs emphasized that it is no longer part of the agreement, Mr. Balzarini pointed <br /> out that the Planning Board can still request Trout Pond as rnifigation. <br /> Regarding the traffic study, the Chair reported that the Umf c count is complete but that the calculation <br /> for traffic impact on regional roadways is still being assessed. Mr- Fudala indicated that 1 lashpee <br /> Commons was treated as a typical shopping center but that atypical due to the internal traffic that <br /> occurs among and between the neighborhoods. A mee#ang with the traffic consultants resulted in a <br /> proposed distribution of internal trips between the neighborhoods but Mr.Fudala had been unable to <br /> acquire the finalized details, The Chair questioned review of the rotary and Mr. Storrs stated that they <br /> do not Irish to do anything that would eliminate future options for the rotary. Mr. Fudala noted that all <br /> options would require study prior to identifying a solution The Chair noted the planning for <br /> intersections and highlighted the lane change at the intersection of the library and Christ the King <br />