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Mr. Cannon, Transportation Engineer for the Cape iQod Commission, described the standard scope of <br /> word minus discussion about rail options that the Cape Cod Commission would utilize for a major <br /> project such as the rotary in order to identify a preferred Otemative that would then be designed_ Mr. <br /> Cannon also expressed concern about the revised Vanasse scope of work. fir. Cannon supports the <br /> addition of reviewing the Jobs Fishing load intersections but noted that rotary"preferred * rovement <br /> strategies" requires a more in depth review. The Chair expressed preference for Nor. Cannon s text in his <br /> December 1. 2010 Mashpee Rotary Scope of work in the second paragraph of"Background."' Mr. <br /> Cannon referenced Section 3.4 in his scope highli 5 <br /> the importance of public meetings and <br /> participation and citing the importance of public support for such a Pro ect. Mr. Cannon encouraged the <br /> Planning Board to determine the number of meetings needed and ensuring that comments from the public <br /> are addressed and/or incorporated, adding that the final report should be provided to the Board for <br /> comments. Mr. Fudala questioned whether some of'the work had already been completed. Mr. Cannon <br /> confirmed'that he spore with Mr. Storrs and agreed that much of the work has been completed. llrfr. <br /> Cannon-emphasized-that Mr. Storrs needs to reach out,to the Town and to the Board. <br /> It was suggested that Mr. Storrs believed that inclusion of the Mashpee rotary Report creates confusion <br /> and Mr. Cannon recommended that there be two reports, a Commons Report and a separate <br /> Mashpee Notary Report that would result in a preferred alternative in order to move forward. Board <br /> members emphasized the need for fiurther study of the rotary due to the development's impact on the <br /> rotary's effectiveness. Mr. Cannon will reiterate to fir. Storrs the preference of the Board and forward <br /> the Commission's proposed Rotary Scope of Work to fir. Storrs' traffic consultant. <br /> MOTION:: Mr. B rini made a motion requesting that Mr. Cannon forward a copy of the <br /> Mashpee Rotary Scope of Work to llfir. Storrs. Mr. Mullin seconded the motion. Ail voted <br /> unanimously. <br /> The Chair thanked fir. Cannon for his work sand fir. Cannon sued that the last meeting allowed him to <br /> better understand the views of the Board, particularly as it to the MiApee rotary. Mr. Cannon <br /> suggested that addressing the rotary may bring Mr. Storrs and the Board closer together. Town Manaer <br /> Joyce Mason stated that over the years there have been several rotary studies and questioned the necessity <br /> for Mashpee Commons to start over. Mr. EWzarini responded that the Planning Board wants to take the <br /> next step to make it work and the Chair added that there was a need to determine what land needs to be <br /> saved for future expansion and improvement_ Ms. Mason noted thatt the stated must be involved and the <br /> Chair asked if the Town Manager would be able to contact the state since she leas been requesting state <br /> involvement, fir. Balarini stated that Air. Storrs has been asked to contact the smote adding that the <br /> Planning Board is not asking Mashpee Commons to fix the rotary, only to initiate a study, Mr. Cannon <br /> added that a lot of work has been completed on the rotary and that the plan offers a goad starting point.. <br /> Mr. Cannon again emphasized the need for public endorwment. Mr. Fudala questioned the anticipated <br /> costs and Mr. Cannon responded that he could ask but that the information is not typically available. <br /> Discussion of Town Consultants for Mashpee Commons A Spechd Permit Review <br /> Regarding the proposed RFP Development Review/Impact Analyses, 11r. Cannon has not yet reviewed <br /> the document but would be able to look at it more closely over the next few days. Mr. Fula responded <br /> that Mr. Storrs reviewed the document and offered some recommendations including meeting together to <br /> discuss it further. Mr. Fudala noted that Mr. Storrs nested clarification about the responsibilities of the <br /> Board"s consultant compared to his consults t and what is required by the Comm-ssion. Members were <br /> in agreement that they do not wish to duplicate anyone's efforts_ <br /> Mr. Petersen referenced Mr. Cannon's opinion that there is a gap between the goals of the Planning Board <br /> and Mr. Storrs. Mr. Petersen agreed with Mr. Storrs' st t m nt that"the feasibility of'this project is up to <br /> the applicant-and not the'role of the Planning Board to ascertaie but added that the Board has a right to <br /> 4 <br />