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y <br /> ask low the community will be impacted and emphSsl ed that back and forth discussion is needed. <br /> Chairman waygan suggested that it remain at the Board level and agreed that it be discussed with Mr. <br /> Storrs. <br /> Mr. Fudala asked that Mr. Cannon review any areas of duplication in the proposed RFP. Mr. Cannon <br /> noted that Cape Cod Commission jurisdiction includes the project site and beyond whereas the Planning <br /> Board has a right to review on site and suggested that it would be acceptable to have a peer review of on <br /> site traffic. Mr. Cannon noted that Mr. Storrs' traffic engineer requested that the peer review consultant <br /> be aware of Cape Cod Commission requirements. Chairman Waygan voice her support of the RFP and <br /> suggested that it is a goad place to start.. Mr. Fudala expressed doubts about requiring a fiscal impact <br /> study, particularly a market study and encouraged the Board to think about the necessity of requiring such <br /> study. Mr. Bal a6ni emphasized that the Planning Board gave to Mr. Storrs the bylaw change regarding <br /> the septic and suggested that Mr. Storrs needed to give something back. The Chair responded that <br /> community planners often review fiscal impact studies and expressed interest in determining from the <br /> perspective of town finances whether the project will be a benefit. flair. Cannon suggested that he could <br /> check with the Commission's Economic Development officer. Chairman wagan questioned whether <br /> she would be willing to educate the Board, to which Mr. Cannon confirmed that she probably would. <br /> Ms. Mason addressed the Board regarding Mr. Storrs' comments and noting that he has a valid point that <br /> it is a review and not a study and that it should be clarified in the RFP. Chairman wagan agreed that the <br /> RFP encompasses everything and Mr. Fudala stated that he utilized the Selectmen's 1997-Mashpee <br /> Commons Study as a basis for the proposed RFP and agrees that it awnxudy encompasses too much. Ms. <br /> Mason gees that Mashpee Commons and the Planning Board needs to sit down together to work it out. <br /> 11r. Fudala noted that Mr. Storrs has been unable to attend the last three meetings when the topic has been <br /> on the agenda. fir. Fudala will invite Mr. Storrs to the next meeting on December 1 'h and Board <br /> members will be prepared to discuss the issue at that time_ Mr. Cannon will also be invited to attend as <br /> needed. <br /> BOARD nMS <br /> Chairman's Report-No report at this time <br /> Reports <br /> Selectmen Liaison-Selectman Richardson reported that the Affordable Housing Trust met to <br /> discuss the Schooner Lane unit and opted not to purchase the property. Concern was expressed <br /> regarding the property as half commercial and half residentiad, preventing-the'Down.from being <br /> able to sell the property. Additionally, the condo has joint septic and land'ownership which may <br /> create some conflict. Other parcels may be available-to develop affordable housing. Regarding <br /> the library, Selectman Richardson has been developing a volunteer training program. Selectman <br /> Richardson reported that ongoing discussions among towns are occurring in the water <br /> Collaborative and Mr. Fudala added that work should begin in January to establish a four town <br /> memorandum of and .r tandi g to establish earth to n's fair share to meet the TMDLs of <br /> Popponessett Bay and Waquoit Bay. Selectman Richardson reported that he continues to seep <br /> space for the 1 lashpee Food Pantry and than options are very limited. St. Johns Church in <br /> Sandwich is currently storing food and deliveries are being made by volunteers. Falmouth Service <br /> Center and St. Vincent de Paul have carpaity and-have offered to help anyone in need and <br /> 1 lashpee also has other food pantry services available. Mr. Fudala questioned whether the <br /> Willowbend duplex considered f~ r affordable housing night be used as a temporary shelter and' <br /> Selectman Richardson indicated that he would research it. The Recycling and Solid waste <br /> Committee has recommended to move forward the"pay as you throw"option in an effort to <br /> improve recycling and reduce trash. Additionally, sticker costs may increase as the trash removal <br />