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S # <br /> Board members discussed the width of the roads and the number of intersections which may be the cause of <br /> backups at the intersections in an effort to keep traffic moving through the rotary. The Chair referenced the <br /> 'rip Distribution 1iap, Residential [component noting tlt i°/o of the traffic is on Route 28 leading out.of the <br /> rotary toward Hyannis. Mr. Fudala referenced the Comprehnshre Plan that called for a 4 lane roadway. Nair. <br /> Petersen noted that %is shown traveling Great Neck Road South and questioned the balance of traffic between <br /> 1 1, 28 and South Cape. Mr. Fudala suggested that it reflects ects people shopping at Mashpee Commons. Mr. <br /> Cannon'clarified that the figures represent traffic aWmded to Mashpee Commons from a variety.of directions. <br /> Mr. Fudala questioned the-way in-which the were de amfined and Mr. Cannon responded that <br /> existing conditions are considered and suggested the possibility that Zip code information from Mashpee <br /> Commons' customers might also be considered- <br /> MOTION: Mr. Bal arini made.a motion to add the Steeple Street and Jobs Fishing Road intersection <br /> .and the rotary scope with the preferred alternative to heir traffic scope and design plans could be <br /> required in the final development agreemenL Mr.Koobarian seconded the motion. All voted <br /> unanimously. <br /> Mr. Fudala stated that-if the changes are accepted for the amended scope, they will not need to wait for the <br /> Planning Board's n- ffic consultant to proceed with their work. Mr. Cannon ingested that they should be <br /> leased with the agreement. Mr. Fud la asked Mr. Cannon to review the Ph nng Board's RFP and offer any <br /> suggestions or forward examples of other similar RFPs. Mr. Cannon recommended breaking the work into <br /> tasks in order to assign separate fees. Mr. Fudala requested that the Board review the Planning Board's RFP <br /> but the Chair suggested that board members review the document and be prepared to discuss it at the next <br /> meeting. <br /> TOWN ROAD TAGS <br /> Signatures for Bayshore Drive and Brookside Circle <br /> MOTION: Mr. Ba a6W made a motion to have a roll vote to add the road takangs to the agenda. <br /> Nor. Iooharin seconded the motion. <br /> ROLL CALIF VO Dennis arini-yes,Chairman Niary Waygan-yes, George Petersen-yes, David <br /> Kooharian-yes <br /> Nor. Fudala stated that the road takings had been approved by Town Tieing and had already been signed by the <br /> Board of Selectmen. Planning Board members signed the town road tal ing plans, <br /> BOARD ITEMS <br /> Chairman's Report-No report at this time <br /> Reports <br /> Selectmen Liaison-No report at this time <br /> Environmental oversight Committee-It was remmmended that Rick York, Shellfish Constable, or <br /> Selectman Cahal ne be contacted regarding the availability of a final copy of the-Santuit Pond deport. <br /> Mr. Petersen will attend the next EOC meeting. <br /> Design Review Committee-No meeting u it'the return of the Chair <br /> Community Preservation Committee-Three applications have been received including Plant for <br /> Humanity for $25,000 to construct an affordable home at Russell Road, the Mashpee Conservation <br /> Department for$46,000 to improve the Pickets Cove Reaneation Area and the DPW and Historic <br /> Commission for i 1,5 00 to improve the Mashpee Archives building. <br /> Historic District Commission-No recent meetings <br />