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Torn Fudala asked if any contact had been made with Mr. Talanian about the proposed <br /> shuttle. Mr. Thompson said no, but that he would do so. <br /> Mitigation issues were brought up; i.e., sidewalk construction, cross walks, public <br /> transportation, etc. Torn suggested a local review with the Fire Department to make <br /> comments. . <br /> Dick Terry asked if there was a copy of the D I. Ms. !Moynihan provided this. Tom <br /> Fudala wanted to know hover they are going to deal with the issue of"reasonable <br /> regulations." Beverly asl ed if the Cape-Cod Co m mission checl ed out the local zoning <br /> requirements. Ms. Moynihan said that they had met the local setback outback <br /> requirements. this was mentioned in a letter from the Town council. Toni said that we <br /> needed to talk about the review process; it would be a staff level review with no public <br /> requirement unless they choose to do abutters' notices. He said that Charlie would also <br /> have to review the engineering issues. He said we will need to figure out ghat level of <br /> detail needs to be submitted for review. Mr. Thompson said he ► could provide a <br /> complete set of Design Review Plans. <br /> Mr. Thompson said that there had already been joint meetings with fire department <br /> officials and that the designs done were based on recommendations from public <br /> officials. Ms. Moynihan added that there had been numerous public meetings, publicity <br /> and comments on this project. She again,said that they want to secure a building permit <br /> as soon as possible. <br /> Dick Terry said than he would life to see a working cornm ttee begun on this as soon as <br /> possible. He stated that he, personally, was very excited about this project and that <br /> everyone should-try to expedite this as quickly and cheaply as possible. <br /> Beverly said that she would life copies of all Cape Cod Commission and Town council <br /> letters. It was decided that Planning Board Members would receive reduced copies of <br /> the plans. <br /> There was some discussion about a variance from the ZBA regarding the height of a <br /> proposed fly tower. Ms. Moynihan explained that the fissure of height would fall under the <br /> reasonable regulation that would not prevent intended use; variance was dropped <br /> because the fly tourer is a necessary feature of the Center. <br /> Mr. Celine answered questions regarding the leeching system for managing storm <br /> drainage. <br /> Parr Avenue Real r Trus Harbor Homes <br /> Postponed. <br /> Flawh self storage* Discussion of special pennit fees <br /> Steve Raleigh told the Planning Board that he thought the variance formula required by <br /> the by-law is excessive. He said he had completed the DRI submission. Torn Fudala <br /> said that they have not heard from the town and that there was a letter waiving the <br />