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i <br /> f <br /> Mas pee Planning Board. <br /> September 6, 2001 <br /> Minutes <br /> Members Present: Martine- euedng —Acting Chair, Dick Terry, Beverly Dane, Dennis <br /> Bal arini, Steve Dolan <br /> Others Present; Torn Fudala — Tern Planner, hlella Stevens — Board Secretary, <br /> Charlie Rowley Consulting Engineer <br /> Prune Homes; Release of Road Covenant <br /> Torn Fudala said that Ken Marsters had requested a continuance re: conformance with. <br /> Charlie's recommendations. <br /> Flsbip self storage <br /> Motion by Dennis to refer Flagship to Cape Cod Commission as DR I. cote that copies <br /> of special permit have been approved. Seconded by Beverly; unanimous. <br /> in c ime; Discussion f gees and drainage issues; Report of Charlie Ro �rle�r <br /> Charlie began the discussion with his report. He passed out pictures that he took of the <br /> trees in question. Torn Fudala passed out copies of Charlie's letter of recom' mend tion. <br /> Several points were discussed including parking spaces, the presence-of turpentine <br /> beetles and tree root depth. <br /> The parking spaces in question involve adjusting the area beside Bldg. 29 to <br /> accommodate three spaces instead of two. Charlie noted that there was no more room <br /> to expand the pavement; either a pine tree or a well would have to be'removed. He said <br /> that what's been built 1*s,, in fact, in conformance with special permit. <br /> Regarding tree roots of several trees in q'uestion, Charlie said that he dug up and <br /> measured these himself. He-made note of the fact that the roots don't go out that far <br /> and that he wasn't sure if they were getting enough water. <br /> Charlie said that there may be some evidence of turpentine beeties,at the rear of one of <br /> the tree that was dead and taken out. He mentioned another oak tree over in Crescent <br /> area that was surrounded by a deep well. This tree was dead, also, he said. A letter <br /> from Davey Landscaping that confirmed there.were, in fact, turpentine beetles in this <br /> area. <br /> Dennis said that he thinks that trustees-should employ-the services of a tree expert in <br /> making recommendations regarding the care and maintenance of the trees and that this <br /> should not be done at town.expense. <br /> Torn Quinn offered his opinion regarding the trees and said that one in question is <br /> drowning due to wells and rainwater drainage. He also added that the acts could have <br /> been damaged when they were put in. He noted that in regards to the two trees near <br /> Mr. Casey's unit, one had already been removed and that they-weren't sure if the <br />