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R <br /> remaining one was dead or not. Mr. Guinn offered to plant new trees if this is what the <br /> Planning Board requested. He added that turpentine beetles are everywhere and that <br /> he Will not pay to treat this problem unless ordered to do so by the Planning Board. <br /> Dennis made note of the fact that some trees that were supposed to be saved are <br /> getting hit by bulldozers. Torn Quinn said that they were taring to be very careful and <br /> that everything that has been banded has remained. He said that there is some decision <br /> making regarding tree removal that needs to be made when clearing for driveways.. He <br /> made a remark that at no time did anyone from the Association contact him regarding <br /> these issues. <br /> Mr. Casey carve forward and asked if Mr. Witter if he could plant some grass. He further <br /> said that a tree in his yard has a depth of only three feet and the leaves aren't as green <br /> as- in other yards. He again brought up the issue of turpentine beetles. Torn Quinn said <br /> that he would cut and dig wells but that he only has a small area to work in because of <br /> gas and electric lines that are within six feet of the problem area. He added that he fit <br /> Mr. Casey misrepresented the parking spaces and that he had to go and retrieve the <br /> plans from the town. He reiterated that he would life some courtesy from the <br /> Wind chime residents in regards to complaints. <br /> There was some general discussion about the trees being under-stres' <br /> for various <br /> reasons. Torn Fudala reiterated what Dennis had said earlier about employing <br /> professional landscaper to address these issues. Torn Guinn said that he would be <br /> open to this suggestion.on a building by building basis. He inquired about a.system that <br /> could be set up with the Planning Board regarding this idea. <br /> Some discussion ensued regarding tree roots and proper grading. Tory Fudala <br /> suggested that a professional engineer should take e a look at any spot where grade <br /> change is more than two feet. He feels that these are the areas to be concerned with <br /> regarding trees that could be damaged. Torn Quinn, again, requested a clarification of a <br /> system by which he would work with the Planning Board regarding trees in question. <br /> Charlie suggested that a fever days notice of proposed drainage or grading activity in <br /> critical areas be given, so that an arborist could be present to advise. He said that he <br /> could coordinate with these Offorts. There was general agreement on this. <br /> Torn Fudala re-capped key points of the evening's discussion; 1 Torn Quinn will <br /> excavate around the three oak trees noted by Mr. Casey; 2 cut down the dead pine <br /> tree; the coordination of efforts regarding trees in critical areas; that no -more wood <br /> chips be used in Phase ll. Toren also added that he wanted a memo from an arb r-i t <br /> regarding the cited trees. <br /> Torn Guinn had a comment about a proposed garage in Building 29. He explained how <br /> someone from another building had bought a garage and that an adjustment had to be <br /> made on plans. Charlie gave his professional opinion that this could be done. Torn <br /> Fudala said to leave gravel space.for now and that a public hearing would be <br /> .scheduled. Hearing was set for October 3`d. <br />