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Motion by Dennis to release covenant of Equestrian Avenue and accept check for <br /> remaining work to be done by September 18, 2001. Seconded byBeverly; unanimous. <br /> r. Leach; Veterinary Hospital - Proposed Access Road off Oakwood Rd. <br /> Tory Fudala noted that the veterinary hospital for Dr. Leach has been approved and that <br /> it required covenant release because there was not sufficient frontage. <br /> Dan Mullen, representing Dr. Leach, presented site designed by Chris Costa. He noted <br /> that it had been approved by Design Review. He said they wanted a d6veway to <br /> come off Oakwood Fed. He went on to say that Dr. Leach has been a long time Cape <br /> resident and practicing veterinarian. Since he specializes in horses, he usually goes out <br /> to patients rather than having them come to his office. Building the proposed driveway <br /> will allow him to ease through traffic to get out to his patients. He has posted bond ith <br /> town for landscaping and sign permit. He says he aims to build a safe, adequate road. <br /> Torn Fudala said that there needs to be some kind of security. Dennis suggested that <br /> Charlie give his recom' mendations for setting security amount. Them was Board <br /> consensus to approve the road. Tom noted that the process may have to include public <br /> hearing. <br /> Public hearing was scheduled for second meeting in October. in the meantime, Mr. <br /> Mullen was instructed to submit an application. Tour said that he would-have Charlie <br /> check drainage and road calculations <br /> Setting standard ecifications for Roads <br /> Torn Fudala introduced the idea of having Charlie reprise subdivision regulations, draw <br /> up standards for roams, curbs, and sidewalks and develop better guidance on storm <br /> crater drainage. He said that people are not understanding current guidelines and that <br /> regulations need to be clarified. <br /> evert said that if the budget can, then Planning Board should go ahead and <br /> have Charlie do this. There was unanimous hoard consensus. <br /> 1 indchime Trees <br /> Torn opened discussion by noting Charlie's letter of recommendation regarding this <br /> subject. The letter mentioned center island trees that were dead and some infiltration of <br /> pipes in relation to roots. He suggested that the Planning Board may grant to do some <br /> research and design some standards for dealing with trees. He also passed out copies <br /> of a letter from arborist Ellis Allen. Tour said than Torn Guinn agreed to draw up site plan <br /> of Phase 11 and tell us ghat they plan to do with trees. <br /> Motion by Dennis to adjourn. Seconded by everly; unanimous. <br />