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► F <br /> to accommodate the overflow of any major storm event. The Board of Health has <br /> approved the plan at a previous meeting; however they are requiring the ring of the <br /> leaching pit to be brought down to elevation 10. Mr. Doyle reported this is not possible <br /> due to high groundwater issues. Applicant is considering the proposal of an additional <br /> Soo-gallon chamber in the bottom of the pit. The Board ofHealth enern for standing <br /> water is mosquito control. <br /> Mr. Doyle informed the Board that all of Mr. Ro le is comments and concerns <br /> have been addressed. <br /> The Town Planner then provided copies of the written waiver requests submitted <br /> by the Applicant. <br /> Mr. Doyle requested a waiver for easement width, stating there is insufficient <br /> room; and the request to set four-hounds along the frontage of Blue Castle Drive (rather <br /> than the-entire roadway). <br /> The Chairman then read the following into the record, letter from Stecn Doyle <br /> and Associates, dated April 2,, 2008. to the Mashpee Planning Board. "The following <br /> waivers from the Mashpee Subdivision are required for the above referenced project. <br /> Waiver#I-Section Vlr-I 1 —The proposed easements are less than the required twenty- <br /> feet in width; waiver#2-Section VH-E l o —Concrete monuments will be set along the <br /> section of Blue Castle Drive where proposed, not along the entire roadway <br /> curbs and angle points-as the Regulations." <br /> Reference was made to a Plan of Land entitled, :` ef~miti a Subdivision Plan for <br /> Scott Bauerl in Mashpee, MA by Stephen J. Doyle and Associates, dated March 4, 2008, <br /> J.E. handers-Cauley, P.B., Civil Environmental Engineer" <br /> Mr. Rowley stated that he would life to review the revised plan with regard to the <br /> drainage caleulations. He has spoken with Mr. handers-Cauley* Applicant's Engineer, <br /> and suggested that an alternative-type of infiltration structure be considered (not so deep). <br /> He also determined that the proposed bounding is adequate on the two corners of the <br /> street and two along the sideline. Originally, there was no bounding shown on the plan. <br /> There being no ftrther Board or Staff discussion the Chairman entertained a <br /> motion with regard to the request for waiver. <br /> MOTION: Dennis Bal arini made a Motion to approve the Request for waiver <br /> with reference to Section VII-D1 the Subdivision Regulations reducing the required <br /> easement footage from 20-i . to l l - t.; which Motion was duly seconded by Thomas <br /> 'Hara and so voted unanimously. <br /> t this point the Town Planner made reference to three letters submitted by <br /> abutters, which the Chairman read into the record; <br /> 2 <br />