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r <br /> There was some discussion regarding the lodation of curb cut, the grater and <br /> sewer lines. <br /> There will be approximately 180,000 sq. # . of commercial space, 1 -residential <br /> units(including accessory, rental, live/work and townhouses). The East Steeple parcel <br /> consists of -acres of land. <br /> (Joseph Mullin arrived at the Meeting at this point, : o p.m. <br /> There was discussion regarding parking spaces, shared and common spaces as <br /> well a gage spaces and ec ndary spaces,,covered spaces and spaces specific to certain <br /> buildings. Some ofthe spaces will be designated as each block is developed. <br /> With regard to zoning amendments, Mr. Storrs informed the Board he would be <br /> asking for flexibility. The-proposed project is an important economic development <br /> component of the community as it will provide job opportunity benefits, taxati n, and <br /> housing diversity, as well as ownership diversity. <br /> At this point the Town planner read from the By-law the list of possible benefits <br /> that would contribute to the Town which the Planning Board could ask for in the <br /> f eveloprnent Agreement: "Infrastructure, Public Capital facilities, Land Dedication <br /> and/or Preservation, Affordable Housing on or off site), Employment opportunities, <br /> Community Facilities, Recreational Facilities, or any other benefit intended to serge the <br /> proposed development, the Town, another municipality or county including site design <br /> standard' to insure preservation of community character and natural resources.' <br /> The Town Planner suggested that these Town benefits be further discussed <br /> between the Developer loper and the Planning Board, as well as considerations to the <br /> Developer. <br /> Mr. Storrs responded by stating that an Architectural Design Site Plan will be <br /> submitted to the Board, there will be land dedication, open space around Trout Pond a <br /> well as Great Neck Road South, Affordable Housing will be provided, Community <br /> gardens are being proposed, and discussion is open.regarding recreational facilities. <br /> Mr. Storrs suggested that perhaps the Town should develop its own Commuray <br /> Preservation Act for the.benefit of Trout Pond maintenance as transactions occur. <br /> Phil Dascombe clarified that any monies-created by the Cape Cod Commission <br /> review flow back to where the impacts are within the town where the project is located. <br /> However, the Commission is a regional agency and in a situation where-the impacts go <br /> beyond a town boundary, some of the mitigation may go into another town. <br /> He also stated that the Commission would be looping to the Town for specific <br /> guidance as to the type of infi-astructure and projects the community wants. The <br /> advantage of a Development,Agreement is that these can be identified in advance. <br />