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The Chairman stated she feels the purpose of these discussions is to determine <br /> whether or not a Development Agreement process is the best approach to the I ashpee <br /> Commons build-out. <br /> The Town Planner clarified the definition of a Development Agreement whereby <br /> the Applicant agrees to provide certain benefits to the Town, and the Town agrees to <br /> provide certain protection from future zoning changes, assistance is streamlining the local <br /> reg l to.ry process. The intent is to go beyond the normal Special Permit, I RI process. <br /> The Chairman noted however that the Development Agreement process is more <br /> efficient as the two regulatory agencies are working at the same table at the same time <br /> and that there are many advantages to this process. <br /> Phil Dascombe agreed that the Development Agreement process is superior to the <br /> IRI.process. <br /> t this point Mr. Storrs made reference to the block development process stating <br /> that he has added roofs, widows,and landscaping to the models he presented to the <br /> Board-at the last meeting, and then uses are assigned. <br /> Fast Steeple Street—Flocks A and B are north of Fast Steeple; C and D are south <br /> f East Steeple; 'being the corner of nn 's Lane and Route 2 ; F being the center; <br /> and G being the corner at the poorer line. <br /> The buildings along Fast Steeple Street are the more affordable buildings and by <br /> mass and use are similar to Mashpee Commons with retail on the first floor and office <br /> space.on the second. The new buildings will have retail on the first floor, rental units on <br /> the upper floors, with townhouse units and warehouse spaces. The parking layout, on- <br /> street parking and garage spaces will then be determined. <br /> The C-Block includes a sidewalk on Route 28,, mixed use and commercial <br /> buildings', some with residential on the second floor, some with office space above. An <br /> office building will.anchor the corner at Commercial Street townhouse units with <br /> live/work spaces and some townhouse wits with accessory units on the softer streets. <br /> The major streets, Fast Steeple-and Commercial will always have live/work, commercial, <br /> or office space on the first floor; while the secondary streets will be prone to residential <br /> units. <br /> The D--Block will be much more intensively developed, with a lot of uses and <br /> fairly significant uses with regard to generating parking demands. <br /> Mr. Storrs stated he would life to have buildings anchoring the intersections with <br /> parking behind the buildings (with no buffer between the street and the buildings). Open <br /> space and community gardens community green houses will be provided as well for <br /> people who live in the neighborhoods. <br /> 2 <br />