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The Town Planner informed the Board that as of this date the .map has changed. <br />The entire Jobs whitings projects and the rotary itself had been identified as an <br />endangered species habitat. He offered to prepare a comparison .map for the Board <br />indicating the changes between the 2006 and 2008 versions. <br />However, both Steeple Street and Trout Pond remain endangered species habitat. <br />The Chairman indicated that the only point ofcontention is with the Trout Pond <br />parcel as she feels that- it should remain in it natural state, being located within the center <br />f the Town. <br />Mr. Storrs responded that he -feels a portion of the property is appropriate for <br />development and that a portion should be set aside for open space. <br />Dennis falarini commented that he considers the Trout Pond parcel of land to b <br />the '`diamond" within the- entire development and that it is his hope that it is. developed in <br />such a way that the Town. can enjoy the property. <br />This natter was concluded at 7:25 p.m. with the understanding that discussion on <br />zoning issues and possible amendments would be further discussed at the next meeting. <br />Public Hearing <br />willowbend Country Club, Inc. <br />Approval of Special Permit Modification- 2 Townhouse Condomirliurms <br />The appointed hour having arrived the Chairman called the Public Nearing to <br />order. <br />The Town Planner reported that Attorney Mc lhinne r has requested an <br />continuance to October 1 'h in order to work out some issues with abutters. <br />MOTION: Dens l arini made Motion to continue the Public Hearing in <br />this natter to October 15, 2008 at 8:15 p.m.; which Motion was duly seconded by <br />Thomas O'Hara and so voted unanimously. <br />Special Permits <br />New Boston SP LL -Southport Planned Retirement Community <br />Tree Cleaning Approval Phase HI Buildings41-45 <br />Temporary Materials Storage Areas <br />Two Other Tree Removals and redesign of Grey Hawk -Drive Detaining wall <br />The Chairman called this matter to order and, recognized Mr. Don Bon- vie who <br />reported that he has met with the Conservation Comission regarding the walkway near <br />the vernal pool. <br />