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Mr. Storrs responded that Mr. owl y's point is well taken and that he will make <br />an .attempt to provide a few generic blocks. He suggested that form be taken into <br />consideration first and use second as the form is much more important to the community. <br />Current zoning will dictate the use within a specific building. He noted however that life, <br />the economy, and the uses within a building can change, <br />The Town Planner agreed that the -infrastructure for the project should be planned, <br />including stormwater management. <br />Mr. Storrs agreed to development generic plots, and plots based. upon the first cut <br />ofthe .plan. He feels that as a community the form of -the streets and appearance of the <br />buildings should be addressed first. <br />(Planning Board Member Joseph.11riuilin arrived at the Meeting at this point, <br />P.M.) <br />Mr. Storrs, stated he would like to address the cal dulation. issues of 2.2 bedroom <br />count, and -base wits for commercial land. <br />The Town Planner noted that the commercial area is located around the Trout <br />Pond parcel, which will not be easily developed into commercial use due to the terrain, <br />and is completely dif 'erent in value in com' parson with commercial land located in the <br />Steeple Street project. <br />Mr. Storrs feels that diversity is the most important aspect of developing housing <br />in a Town center. <br />Another source ofconfusion for Mr. Storrs is the hand of secondary, cnse tion <br />land located along the north side ofForth Bret Street, <br />The Town Planner explained that this area has always been zoned commercial, <br />and has never been planned as residential mixed use. He suggested the use of the <br />Commercial Center Bylaw as a separate project, ignoring residential transfer and the <br />Open Space Map. <br />Mr. Storrs indicated that there is a strong market for independent and <br />independent assisted living within the Mashpee area. <br />(There was grief discussion regarding OSID and Title v bedroom calculations.) <br />The Chairman asked Mr. Storrs if he has filed r lr rnary forms with NRESP. <br />Mr. Storrs responded that he has not yet done so, but that he will a point to file the <br />application. <br />'l MR <br />