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Mr. Storrs then made reference to the OSID bedroom calculation, rather than <br />being a use/residential unit calculation. I I questioned h th r or not a pl should be <br />devised upon bedrooms. He ftirther mentioned difficulty with land value as <br />commercially zoned land is -extremely valuable, much more so than residentially zoned <br />land. Commercial calculations begin with two -units per acre, the economics of which d <br />not work out with regard to the number of base units/commercial land. The commercial <br />land -becomes significantly de -valued. <br />Mr. Storrs suggested the transfer ofunits under this bylaw further discussed. <br />He recognized that one issue is land planning and the other'isleconomic. He suggested <br />that perhaps the base :number be changed to something more economically realistic. <br />The Town Planner provided some history regarding the -byl w, explaining that the <br />2.2 bedroom calculation was devised to allow three bedrooms for five -percent of the <br />units, with the remainder of units restricted to two bedrooms. At the time this bylaw was <br />passed, in the 1 lo's, the Town had a concern regarding large apartment units. <br />He further explained that the design calculation takes into consideration the <br />maximum number of units allowed. There is a limit on the number of bedrooms within <br />the multi -family portion of the project. The bylaw provides for the developer to -decide <br />upon the allocation of the bedrooms; it does not mandate that every unit consist of 2.2 <br />bedroom . with regard to single-family lots, one and one-half ofthe units must be used, <br />after which there is no limit on the number of bedrooms. If two on the units are used, <br />single-family hone and accessory r sidcrnce on a lot would be allowed, with no bedroom <br />cap. <br />Mr. Rowley expressed concern with regard to deciding the total number ofunits <br />and maximum lot coverage of buildings without some prior knowledge of surface <br />infrastructure. He feels that parking and stormwater management issues be taken into <br />consideration. He suggested a few typical blocks be selected from the study plans in <br />order to determine the intensity of use, as well as the parking and drainage requirements. <br />e is concerned about density issues with regard to the various types of uses. <br />The Town Plainer disagreed stating stormwater management is a completely <br />separate issue from residential count ftmsfer of development rights. Maximum lot <br />overage is incorporated into the bylaw which applies to'any project. The Commercial <br />Center bylaw with regard to multiple lots, provides the design flexibility to the developer <br />to meet the requirement for maximum lot coverage or to create a plan to comply within <br />the overall scheme of the project. <br />Mr. Rowley ley remained concerned with regard to the intensity of use of the land, <br />density and impervious cover issues. He made reference to the sketches noting the <br />intense development proposed within the lots and which appears to be very different from <br />the existing MashMashpee Commoms. conditions. He reiterated that he would feel more <br />comfortable knowing more of the details regarding infrastructme. <br />C <br />