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10/01/2008 PLANNING BOARD Minutes
10/01/2008 PLANNING BOARD Minutes
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I <br />Mr. Rowley inquired as to the Jabs and whitings neighborhoods factor into the <br />treatment plant. <br />Mr. Storrs made reference to Common Later Condominiwn within. the state of <br />Massachusetts. There is currently an existing precedent whereby other owners are tied <br />into the Mashpee tepee Commons wastewater treatment plant. There is an operating agreemcnt <br />with the Torn for each building that dictates have many gallons are designated for -each <br />individual building; operating costs are paid on a monthly or annual basis. The same is <br />true for residential, office, or retail tenant within Mashpee Commons. <br />The Town Planner stated that perhaps at this stage discussions should begin <br />between the Sewer Commission, Town Consultants, Mashpee Commons, and -other plant <br />owners, in terms of some alternative possibilities. There have been discussions with <br />Mashpee Commons since 1980 regarding the possibility of sharing facilities and/or <br />becoming part of the municipal system at some point. <br />The Town Planner then made reference to the Open Space Incentive Plan map, <br />which plan is the basis for which development can take place. The preserved areas are <br />protected from developmeht. There is an actual boundary of primary conservation area <br />that was established by the Town and Mashpee Commons -and which defines those areas <br />of open space and those areas that can be developed. <br />t this point Dennis alarm' asked fir. Storrs about his feelings with regard to <br />the existing bylaw and the possibility of amending. the one area of concern as- outlined by <br />the Town Planner. <br />Mr. Storrs replied that the issue of wastewater will have to be addressed. He feels <br />that the Mashpee Commons plant is very well run and he is not inclined to donate the <br />plant to the municipadity at this point. He suggested the zoning be changed . in order to <br />allow for the wastewater treatment plant and to ultimately provide for a change of <br />ownership in the future. He spoke to his confusion regarding height restrictions, <br />questioning why specific types of buildings are approved for. three -stories. It is his <br />feeling that all buildings. should have the capacity to be three -stories, suggesting that this <br />issue be further discussed/addressed. <br />Mr. Storrs spore -to the OSID bylaw, describing it as a "'very intense bylaw" and <br />extremely difficult to understand (consisting ofapproximately -pages). <br />The Town Planner interjected that the DSID bylaw would not be used. As the <br />project is commercially zoned, the Commercial Center bylaw would be used. He made <br />reference to section 174.46H of the DSID states an alternative, whereby residential use <br />can be transferred to open space within a commercial/industrial zone as part of a nixed <br />use commercial center development. <br />2 <br />
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