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.1 <br /> f <br /> � 1 <br /> designed to promote the efficient use of energy, to encourage energy saving <br /> transportation activities including carpooling, Mass Transit Programs, bicycling, and <br /> walking. As well as to encourage the use of energy efficient construction techniques, <br /> cost effective energy efficiency programs, encourage and stimulate investment and <br /> renewable energy resources. To consider providing, with assistance from the county, <br /> incentives for the use of energy conserving building improvements and renewable energy <br /> devices in all existing and new buildings. To minimize energy use and maximize energy <br /> efficiency in the construction and operation of all Town buildings and facilities. And to <br /> consider utilizing clean alternative fuels such as-propane gas, Consolidated Natural Gas, <br /> and electricity for all new fleet vehicles and shuttle buses, <br /> number of Goals were also recommended, one which was to catalog <br /> potential wind farm Mashpee. <br /> e. <br /> She spoke to the importance of renewable energy and the sustainability factor. <br /> The Chairman then recognized Douglas.Storrs asking him to inform the Board of <br /> Mashpee Commons commitment in this regard. <br /> 1r. Storrs spoke to the terra `"sustainability" stating that he believes this includes <br /> neighborhoods and site design, such as compacted, livable, connected community that <br /> offers everything within ten-minute walk and access to public transit. He described all <br /> of these as a sustainable community, a sustainable form of development. This has been <br /> the theme for Mashpee Commons since the beginning and continues to be throughout the <br /> proposed development. <br /> He recognized the opportunity, through architectural and energy guidelines to <br /> construct `anew historic" homes with current dimension requirements and to be properly <br /> insulated and energy efficient with a focus on the saving of energy. He suggested <br /> Mashpee energy certification criteria be devised for energy efficient buildings as some of <br /> the Mate criteria cannot be met (such as access to two public transit systems). <br /> In response to a question put by the Chairman regarding the proposed types of <br /> construction materials, heating and cooling systems, windows, etc., Mr. Storrs <br /> conmented that every building has improved regarding technology. He stated that costs <br /> are not as high and that they have learned a lot about how to make improvements. The <br /> more-recently constructed buildings are much more energy efficient. However, the older <br /> systems, when required, are being replaced by current energy efficient systems. <br /> Mr. Storrs Mated that housing diversity not only offers affordability, but produces <br /> less need to drive as most needs are within walking distance. If people have-the need for <br /> only one vehicle, paving requirements will be less. Great strides have been made in the <br /> area of(native) landscaping resulting in lower water and maintenance demands, rain <br /> gauge irrigation systems have been unproved, and white (flat) roofs. Lover usage with <br /> street lighting has been implemented., as well as improvements to water usage which has <br /> resulted in decreased usage. The wastewater flow has also decreased. P.V. systems are <br /> 2 <br />