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Mashpee Zoning <br /> Board of Appeals James H. Crocker, Jr. <br /> 3 SP-07-49 <br /> (14 Sampsons Mill Road) <br /> 4. there will not be a significant adverse impact on the enviromuental factors listed in <br /> Section 174-24.C.2. <br /> 5. the proposed use, which while not specifically allowed by right or by Special Permit <br /> in the district, is similar to other uses allowed by right or by Special Permit and <br /> substantially dissimilar to prohibited uses. <br /> In view of the foregoing, the Mashpee Zoning Board of Appeals found that the <br /> Petitioner met the criteria necessary for the granting of a Special Permit. Upon motion <br /> duly made and seconded, the Zoning Board of Appeals voted unanimously on August 8, <br /> 2007. There were no new plans submitted with this application. <br />