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Mashpee Zoning Vernon Lawrence 2 <br /> Board of Appeals <br /> V-07-67 <br /> to 15.3 feet off the lot line by moving it forward and closer to the house. The garage still <br /> remains at 28' x 24'. The Board reviews the plans and shows Ms. Walsh the new plans <br /> as well. She is still not happy with the size of the garage and does not want the variance <br /> granted. Mr. Furbush asks Mr. Lawrence what type of landscaping will be put between <br /> the neighbors house and his? He plans to put in arbovities which will provide privacy. <br /> Mr. Nelson asks the Building Inspector if 4 feet between the building is allowable—Mr. <br /> Stevens says that is fine. Mr. Nelson also indicates that the lot coverage is 14% and is <br /> well under the 20% allowable maximum. The Board discusses that the lot has <br /> topography issues that present a problem for the applicant as far as where to place the <br /> garage. The height of the building will be 18'6, there will be no second floor, no <br /> plumbing and no basement. The Board moves to grant the following: <br /> ■ A 9.7 foot variance on the northerly side <br /> ■ A 10.6 foot variance from Timberlane Drive <br /> ■ A 6.9 foot variance on the southerly side <br /> Reference plans from Stephen Doyle and Associates of East Falmouth, MA, dated <br /> October 10, 2007, revised November 26, 2007. <br /> VARIANCE CRITERIA <br /> Section 10 of Chapter 40A requires that the permit granting authority determine <br /> that there are circumstances relating to the shape and topography which affect this lot and <br /> not the district in which it is located and that a literal enforcement of the By-laws would <br /> involve hardship to the petitioner. <br /> GENERAL FINDINGS <br /> 1. that the subject property is located at 160 Timberlane Drive and contains <br /> 16,792 square feet. <br /> SPECIFIC CRITERIA <br /> The Board determined that: <br /> 1. the subject property has an unusual shape and therefore the circumstances <br /> relating to the shape and topography affect the subject lot and not the district <br /> in which it is located. <br />