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Mashpee Zoning <br />Board of Appeals, Minutes <br />2 October 25, 2006 <br />• been tied up in the Planning Board for the building of the street,.they are requesting a 6 <br />month extension. Robert Nelson makes a motion to grant the six month extention until <br />June, 2007. Marshall Brem seconds the motion. All agree. So moved. <br />David Hufnaeel: Requests a Special Permit from Sections 174-17 and 174-20 in order <br />to demolish existing dwelling and rebuild a new dwelling on property located in an R-3 <br />zoning district at 58 Monomoscoy Road West (Map 114 Parcel 95) Mashpec, MA. <br />Owner of Record: James Kahveit <br />David Hufnaeel: Requests a Variance from Section 174-31 to seek relief from the <br />setback requirements and landspace requirements in order to rebuild a new dwelling on <br />property located in an R-3 zoning district at 58 Monomoscoy Road West (Map 114 <br />Parcel 95) Mashpee, MA. Owner of Record: .lames Kahveit <br />At the last minute, this matter has been continued until November 8, 2006 due to a <br />pending Conservation issue. <br />Southside Realtv Trust: Requests a Major Modification to Comprehensive Special <br />Permit under Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 40B to eliminate the garages on four <br />duplex buildings on property located in a C-2 and R-5 zoning district at 334 Main Street <br />(Route 130) (Map 36 Parcel 47) Mashpee, MA. Owner: SM Realty Trust; John and <br />• Gaile McShane Trustees. <br />At this point, the matter may be withdrawn. However the Board will continue the matter <br />until November 8, 2006 pending decision of applicants attorney. <br />Thomas and Dale Choate: Requests a Variance on Sections 174-31 for setback relief <br />and lot size relief from the Zoning By-laws in order to build house and garage on <br />property located in an R-5 zoning district at 43 Pickerel Cove Road (Map 14 Parcel 7) <br />Mashpee, MA. <br />Sitting: Robert Nelson, Zella Elizenberry, Frederick Borgeson, Marshall Brem, and <br />Jonathan Furbush. <br />John Slavinsky of Cape & Islands Engineering represents the applicant at this hearing. <br />Applicant is requesting several variances to take the existing dwelling down and replace <br />it with a new house and 4 -car garage. They need side yard variances, (of less than a foot) <br />a frontage variance and landspace relief. The lot is 43,300 square feet and that area <br />requires 80,000 square feet. The Board reviews the site plan and Mr. Brem notices that <br />the proper address for the property should be 43 Pickerel Cove Circle but has been <br />advertised as 43 Pickerel Cove Road. That needs to be re -advertised with the property <br />street name. Mr. Nelson asks if there are any abutters interested in this property. Ellen <br />Kagan of Pickerel Cove Circle is in the middle of a lawsuit with the applicant. Ms. <br />Kagan and her family have owned many acres of property in Pickerel Cove Circle for <br />• since the 1960's where her father developed the land and gave much of it to Mashpee. <br />Ms. Kagan and her family attempted to do much the same as Mr. Choate is doing and <br />