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Mashpee Zoning Lighthouse Place, LLC <br /> Board of Appeals Geoffrey and Janet Willis <br /> 3 <br /> SP-05-102 <br /> disrupt any species listed as rare, endangered or threatened by the Massachusetts <br /> Natural Heritage Program or any known historic or archaeological site, will not <br /> produce amounts of trash, refuse or debris in excess of the town's landfill and <br /> waste disposal capacities, will properly dispose of stumps, construction debris, <br /> hazardous materials and other waste, will provide adequate off-street parking, <br /> will not cause excessive erosion or cause increased runoff onto neighboring <br /> properties or into any natural river, stream, pond or water body and will not <br /> otherwise be detrimental to the town or the area". <br /> Section 174-25.G.5, G.6 and G.9 of the Zoning By-laws: <br /> Place for manufacturing,assembly or packaging <br /> goods,provided that all resulting cinders, dust, <br /> flashing,fumes,gases,odors,refuse matter,smoke <br /> and vapor is effectively confined to the premises or is <br /> disposed of in a marmer that does not create a <br /> nuisance or hazard to safety or health. <br /> Wholesale business and storage in a roofed structure. <br /> Wholesale business and storage in a roofed structure. <br /> GENERAL FINDINGS <br /> 1. that the subject property is located at 11 Cape Drive and contains 28,045 <br /> square feet. <br /> SPECIFIC FINDINGS <br /> The Board determined that: <br /> 1. the proposed use and development are consistent with applicable law, rules and <br /> regulations. <br /> 2. there will be no adverse effect on public health or safety. <br /> 3. there will not be an excessive demand upon community facilities created as a result of <br /> the proposal. <br /> 4. there will not be a significant adverse impact on the enviroiunental factors listed in <br /> Section 174-24.C.2. <br /> 5. There will be a$7,500 landscaping bond required <br />