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Page Four B Friday,April 12,199 Q14t fmqMox <br /> The Enterprise Ask For Cashed 7i*l <br /> P.O.I. Banc 647 CLASSIFIEDS <br /> VIS4 548.4700—75%5642 . <br /> Fainxx9 1,MA 02541 - <br /> LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE ACCOMMODATIONS ACCOMMODATIONS <br /> MORTGAGEE'S NOTICE OF being a portion of the Mortgaged Premis- DEPARTMENT OF TOWN OF MASHPEE <br /> $ALE or es,will be offered for sale on said Lot 3 of ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION bidder and to accept said bid upon the all purposes for which ways are common- Apartments Rooms for Rent <br /> REAL ESTATE the Mortgaged Premises at 2:40 p.m. WATERWAYS REGULATION condition that the second highest shall ly used in the Town of Mashpee,in com- <br /> By virtue and in execution of the Power Method 1(d)-Lot 4,described above, PROGRAM ,-, PUBLIC deposit with mortgagee's attorney the mon with all others who are now or may <br /> of Sale contained in a certain Mortgage, being a portion of the Mortgaged Premis- Notice of Request for Interim Approval ~�," amount of the required deposit and set herearter become lawfully entitled 1-BEDROOM APARTMENT,1st 1 ROOM AVAILABLE,,$60/weekly. <br /> es,will be offered for sale on said Lot 4 of pursuant to 310 CMR 9.10 Wj - HEARING forth herein within three(3)business thereto. floor, Near Falmouth Center.Private <br /> Security Agreement,and Assignment the Mortgaged Premises at2:50p.m. Waterways Application . }' adults downtown Falmouth, <br /> granted by Cape Heritage Builders,Inc, y pD ,+ days after written notice Reserving to Seabrook Pines Corpora- adults referred.457-0118 or entrance/phone.Share living <br /> (the"Mortgagor")to USTrusVNorfolk,nlLl Method 1(e)•Lot 6,described above, Number W91-0798 previous highest bidder. lion and its successors and assigns the fee p <br /> being a portion of the Mortgaged Premis- NancyN.Raskevitz NOTICE Other terms to be announced at the time in Wintergreen Road,as shown on said 457-1444 roomryiohe,cabl bathroom, <br /> a USTruat,(the"Mortgagee")dated De- �.�-� laundry roam,table t.v.Utilities <br /> cember 2$1989,and recorded with the es,will be offered for sale on said Lot 6 of Notification Date:April 18,1991 and place of the sale. plan. rY <br /> B3rnstablle CountyRegistry of Deeds at the Mortgaged Premises at 3:00 p.m. Public notice is hereby given of the ap CONNECTICUT NATIONAL BANK Subject to a 10 fool wide walkway ease- included.348-8664 <br /> > rY Inaccordantewilhtheprovisionaoftlte <br /> Book 7008,Page 148 and filed with the Method 1(D-Lot 7,described above, Plication by Nancy N.Raskevilz W main- Present Holder of Said Mortgage moot,as shown on said plan. LARGE,YEAR ROUND 1 and 2 <br /> Town of Mashpee Conservation By-law, <br /> Barnstable County Registry District ofthe �i�a portion or the Mortgaged Premix- fain existing pier at Cove Road,Lot 3 in By its attorney, LOT 25 as shown on said plan,contain- bedroom apartments In Home- <br /> Land Court as Document No.488050,as es,will be off coming Wetlands and Chapter 131,5.40 offered for sale on said Lot 7 of the municipality of Mashpee in and over Chapter 172,Rules and Regulations con- Lisa L.Foster,Esquire ing 22,367 square feet,more or less,as <br /> ng , p port.From$500/month plus till- Summer Rentals <br /> noted on Certificate ofTitle No.114764,of the Mortgaged Premises at 3:10 p.m. the waters of Wakeby Pond. CHERWIN&GLICKIVSAN shown on said plan. lilies.54$-7769 or 540-755$ <br /> which Mortgage,Security Agreement and Method 2-After the Mortgaged Premis Massachusetts General Laws,a public <br /> The proposed use of the structure(s)or One International Place Together with a right of way over Win- <br /> es have been offered for sale separately hearing will be held atthe Mashpee Town Boston,MA(12110 tergreen Road,as shown on said plan,for <br /> Assignment the undersigned is the pre- pa y fill is for non-commercial docking and D <br /> sent holder,for breach of the conditions boating access to navigable waters and is Hall is the Conservation Commission all purposes for which ways are common- <br /> in the order and manner set forth April 5,12,19,1991 COLLEGE STUDENTS.Summer <br /> of said Mortgage,Security Agreement Hearieg1toomatApri118.1901stW30p.m. 1 used in the Town of Mash r <br /> hereinabove,the entire Mortgaged Pre- a water-dependent project y tom- EAST FALMOUTH 3-bedroom, 5t Rentals,Falmouth Area.Call <br /> on the application of Charles Nirenberg mon with all others who are now or may floor,$675/lus.2-bedroom,s. Diamond Real Estate,477-6000 <br /> and Assignment and for the purpose of miser to be sold,as set forth above,to wit: The Department will consider all writ- p <br /> for the plantingoffiowerbeds within 100 hereafter become lawful) entitled <br /> foreclosing.a portion of the Mortgaged LotsI,2,3,4,Band7,describedabove,will ten comments submitted within 30 days Y 2nd floor,FALMOUTH, <br /> 2 <br /> �g subsequent to the"Notification Date"in feet of the coastal bank at 28 Triton Wary, NOTICE OF SALE thereto. <br /> premises(the"Mortgaged Premises")will be offered for sale as an entirety on said NORTH FALMOUTH,2-bedroom, <br /> Assessor's Map 127,Block g0.In accord- MORTGAGEE'S BALE Reserving to Seabrook Pines Corpora- <br /> be sold at public auction sale commenc- Lot 7 of the Mortgaged Premises at 3:2D order to decide whether to gran!Interim �7' $5501 plus utilities. <br /> m• Approval-A public hearing may be held ante with plans on file with the Mashpee OF REAL ESTATE lion and its successors and assigns the fee EAST FALMOUTH,Weltertriew. <br /> ing at 2:00 p.m.on Wednesday,the 8th duty P• Conservation Commission. B virtue and in execution of the Power 548-176$ <br /> of May,1991,on the Mortgaged Premises, Ifthe highest bid forthe Mortgaged Pre. upon request by the municipal ofTleial. Y in Wintergreen Road,as shown on said Most desirable location,mod- <br /> of as a single sale(Method 2)shall be Patrick J.Coffey of Sale contained in a certain mortgage tan. <br /> beings portion of the premises described g Furthermore,a municipality,ten citizen P ern,4-bedroom Ranch.Flr(S- <br /> in said Mortgage,Security Agreement, equal to or exceed the cumulative total group or any aggrieved person that has Chairperson dated March 10,1988,given by Multi Vest Subject to a 10 foot wide drainage and <br /> Properties, BankoFNewEnglaad, place,washer/dryer,priced <br /> and wit: forthe highest bids for the Mortgaged Pre- submitted written comments may also 1901 L>e walkwayeasement,asshownonsaidplan. right.540-5260 <br /> party TOWN OF MASHPEE N.A.nhlaNewBankofNewEngland.N.A. LOT 29 as shown on said plan,contain- <br /> The I: mires sold separately(Method 1(a) petition to intervene to became a a p WAQUOIT 2-bedrpom a art- <br /> The land,with all buildings and im• through Method l(f)),then the separate before the close of the comment period. as Assignee of the Federal Depositinsur- ing=ON square feet,more or iesa,as r P <br /> provements thereon,in Falmouth, Mortgaged 11-4 ante Corporation as Receiver of Bank of shown on said plan. meat,spacious with fireplace, <br /> sales of the Mo ed Premises(Method Failure W submit such petition will result p P P <br /> Barnstable County.MassachusetEs, <br /> L(a)through Method l(f))shall be voided in the waiver of any right to an adjudies- I "^. PUBLIC New England,N.A.and filed in the Together with a right of way over Win- arage,large deck,acre lot, CAPE COD STYLE HOME,3 large <br /> bounded and described as follows: and any and all deposits paid therefor tory hearing.Further information regard- 7 Barnstable County Registry of Deeds at tergreen Road,as shown on said plan,for 650.No pets.540-4729 bedrooms,2 baths,deck,out- <br /> NORTHWESTERLY by Waterside shall be returned to the highest bidder(s) ing this application may be obtained by .i. �9 HEARING Book8179,Page001 and in the Barnstable all purposes for which ways are common- side shower,garage,new op- <br /> County Registry District or Land Court as used in the Town of Mashpee,in cam- liances.Available after May <br /> Drive,109.00 feet; and the Mortgaged Premises shall be sold contacting the Division at(617)?b2-5893. f. ly Pe p y <br /> fur- <br /> 17.Located near Falmouth In- <br /> NORTHEASTERLY by Lot 115,150.91 to the highest bidder as a single sale Plans and documents for this application �� Document No,453,740an Certificate of Ti- mon with all others who are now or may FALMOUTH YEAR ROUND, <br /> pcol, (Method 2)-If the cumulative total of the are on file with the Department for public co NOTICE tie 113733,of which mortgage the under- hereafter become lawfully entitled <br /> SOUTHEASTERLY by a portion of land <br /> highest bids for the portion of the Mort- viewing at the address below.Written signed is the present holder,far breach of thereto. niched,new 1-bedroom.Utili- ner Harbor and Surf Drive <br /> now or formerly of Ralph S.Foster et at, gaged Premises sold separately(Method comments should be addressed to:John In accordance with the provisions of the the conditions in said mortgage and for Reserving to Seabrook Pines Corpora- ties included,air$130/weekly. Beach. -689-2eekly,540-7245 <br /> A.Simpson,Section Chief,DEPrWater- the purpose of foreclosing the some will tion and its successors and assigns the fee 1 adult only.No pets 540-0242 or 1-508-689 2422 <br /> Trs.,95.00 feet;and I(a)through Method 1(D)shall exceed the p Town of Mashpee Conservation By-Lew, <br /> SOUTHWESTERLY by Lot 117,150.00 highest bid for the Mortgaged Premium as ways Regulation Program,One Winter Chapter 172,Rules and Regulations con- be sold at public auction at 10:00 a.m.on in Wintergreen Road,as shown on said leave message. <br /> corning Wetlands,and Chapter 131,8.40 the 19th day of April,1991 on the mort- <br /> feet a single sale(Method 2),then the single Street.8th Floor,Boston,MA 02108. plan. <br /> gaged premises known asL9ts5.7,11,11A OLD SILVER BEACH ESTATES. <br /> All of said boundaries are determined sale of the Mortgaged Premises(Method 2) Massachusetts General Laws,a public Subject to a ill Foot wide drainage and <br /> shall be voided and an and all deposits April 12,1991 15,20,21,23.25.27and20,SeabrookPines, <br /> by the Court to be located as shown on Y Po hearing be � walkway shown onsaid plan. New 4-bedroom,2-bath Con- <br /> subdivision plan 11518.2(Sheet 3)dated paid therefor shall be returned to the Hali in the Conservation Commission Subject to building restriction line,as temporary 200 yards to nvafe <br /> County,Massachusetts,all and singular FALMOUTH.2-BEDROOM E D R O O M <br /> April highest bidder and the Mortgaged Pre- TOWN OF 1HASHPEE Hearing Room atApri118,1991at7:45p.m. shown on said plan. association tennis and each. <br /> p <br /> by Newell B.Snow,Surveyor,and filed in mires shall be sold to the highest bid- an the application of Massimo Giordano the premises described in said Mortgage. Subject to a 10 foot wide easement for APARTMENT,$525/plus,noAvailable June 2-July 14,Au- <br /> der(s)as separate sales(Method l(a) ff i____ for a Determination of Applicability on a To wit' future road widening,as shown on said pets.Coll 540-9564 <br /> Au- <br /> the Land Registration Office at Boston,a �• . PUBLIC Eleven(11)certain parcels of vacant gust 10-24,$950/week.l-617- <br /> copy of which is filed in Land Registry- through Method 1(M. .L proposal to install two(2)Title V sewage plan. <br /> is rand in Mashpee,Barnstable County,Mas- 484-1072,548-8238 <br /> Lion Book 220,Page 10 with Certificate of TERMS OF 5AI.E:The Mortgaged Pre- disposal systems to replace two(2)ex- Subject to landscape easement,as <br /> Titlesachusetts,as further described as fol- <br /> Na.28470andseidlandahownthere- miles are to be sold subject to and with � HEARING istingcesapool systemathathavefailedat laws: shown on said plan. EAST FALMOUTH.Brand new t- <br /> on as 1•ot 116. the benefit of all easements,restrictions, . 30 Spoondrift way,Assessor's Map Ill, Subject to a utility easement on the bedroom apartment,near Fpf- <br /> PARCELII: p �M" Registered Land Southwester)corner of the remises as p FALMOUTH walk ro harboF, <br /> building and zoning laws,unpaid taxes, tv- Parcel 12l.Lot 143A.In accordance with Y P � <br /> tax titles,water bills,munici municipal NOTICE LOT 5 as shown on Land Court Plan mouth Mall,parking.$495. <br /> The land in Falmouth,Barnstable D plans an file with the MashpeeConserva• further described in instrument dated beach,tender.quiet fie,leeps <br /> Inaccordancewiththeprovisionsofthe 40422B,containing 31,142 square feet,I February 24,i91i8.and retarded in the Available now.1-778-4779 <br /> County,MA shown as LOTS 1,2.3.4-B and assessments,rights of tenants and parties tion Commission hand,1-bedroom house,Sleeps <br /> Town of Mashpee Conservation Bylaw, more or shows on said plan. Barnstable Count <br /> ?iCandlepine Circle on a plan entitled !n possession,existing encumbrances, PalrickJ.Coffey y Registry of Deeds in 5,$550/week 1-692-3995,457- <br /> "Definitive Plan Round Pond Village Chapter 172,Rules and Regulations con Together with a right of way over Win- Book 4150.Page 324. <br /> and all other claims in the nature of liens, Chairperson 1817. <br /> Pineerest Beach Drive,Falmouth,MA," cerning Wetlands,and Chapter 131,S.40 tergreen Road,as shown on said plan,for Each of said Lots 11A.20.21,23.25,27 . <br /> now existing or hereafter arising,having April 12,1991 <br /> Arrow Engineering Inc.,dated March 27, priority over the Mortgage,Security Massachusetts General Laws,a public all purposes for which ways are common- and 29 subject to Declaration of Protec- <br /> hearing will be held at the Mashpee Town ly used in the Town of Mashpee,in com- tive Covenants,dated February 12,1988, <br /> 1987,revised til24(84,which plan is re. Agreement,and Assignment.if any there TOWN OF MASHPEE rY <br /> corded in Barnstable County Registry of Mortgaged Hall in the Conservation Commission man with all others who are now or may and recorded in the Barnstable Count CATAUMET.Modern 3 room 4-BEDROOM,PRIVATE yard/ <br /> be.The Mo Premises shall also be y <br /> aoldsub-ecttotheri tofredem tion of Hearing Room at April 19.1001 at 8:30 p.w hereafter become lawfully entitled Registry of Deeds in Book 614l,Page 106. apartment,Third floor,newly deck,3 minutes toMenouhant, <br /> Deeds in Plan Book 443.Page 54 J D on the application of Lawrence K Bacon I I_ PUBLIC thereto. Each of said Lots 20,21,23.25,27 and 29 renovated heat and hot water 25/week.548-4075 or 617- <br /> PARCEL III: the United States of America,ifonythere for a Determination of Applicability on a �"�,"_.�° Reserving to Seabrook Pines Corpora- <br /> De, Pp LY �i 1 subject to utility easement,dated Febru- included$425/month.563-7444 769-4513 <br /> The land in(Hatchville)East Falmouth, � <br /> Barnstable County,Massachusetts,de- highest proposal to'do planting at Waterway, �I 1 tion and its successors and assigns the fee ary24,IN8,andrecordedwiththeBarnst- days,563-2948 evenings,563- <br /> The hi eat bidder at each of sales HEARING Y� 9 <br /> scribed as follows: Assessor's Map 111.Lot 2X In accord- in Wintergreen•Road,as shown on said able Count Registry of Deeds in Book <br /> of single lots of the Mortgaged Premises Y g�S' 2741 evenings. <br /> Lot 13 as shown on a plan entitled"Sul- sold separately pursuant to Method l(a) ance with plans on file with the Mashpee /, plan, 0150.Page 32! <br /> division Plan of Land Prepared For Conservation Commission. Syr NOTICE Subject to a 10 foot wide easement for For title.see deed recorded March 18, WALK TO OLD SILVER private YII <br /> through Method 1{A shall each be re- cv- <br /> Jeseph Polcaro In Hatchville Falmouth 4ulred to make a deposit of Five <br /> Patrick J.Coffey road widening,as shown on said plan. 1988 in the Barnstable Count loge beach,3-bedroom remod- <br /> UP-c Thousand(55.000.0W Dollars to the Mort- Chairperson Subject to a 2,850 square foot drainage g Registry of QUIET EAST FALMOUTH.2- <br /> -cal:-" -.Date:July ql,lase In accordance with theprovlaionsofthe Deeds in Book8178,Page 348. � sled Cape,$850/week. <br /> Holmes and McGrath.Inc.civil engineers gages by certified check or by bank April 12,1991 easement,as shown on said plan. Excepting that portion known as Lots 5 bedrooms,bath,kitchen,beach , <br /> Town of Mashpee Conservation By-law. Subject to a landscape easement,as rights, WALK TO EACH,New Silver,2 <br /> and land surveyors 2W Main Street,Fal- cashier's check at the time and place of Chapter 172,Rules and Regulations con- and 29 described above,which parcels g $650/inclusive.First,last, bedrooms,$500/week. <br /> sale.The highest bidder at the sale of the TOWN OF MASHPEE shown on said plan. were released by Bank of New England, security.548-6649 message. <br /> mouth,Ma.02540",said plan being re- coming Wetlands,and Chapter 131,S.40 Subject to a building restriction line,as 9 OLD SILVER,3 bedrooms,$600/ <br /> corded with Barnstable Registry of Deeds Mortgaged Premises sold as a single sale Massachusetts General Laws,a public 15,1 by partial release dated February week <br /> shown on said plan 15,1988 and recorded at Barnstable <br /> in Plan Book415, a 84. (Method 2)shall be required to mate a +b•1OM� heariagwillbeheldatthellashpeeTown �` MIIIitAYm 2 weeltf <br /> v PUBLIC LOT 15 as shown on Land Court Plan <br /> deposit o[Thirty Thousand(I130.000.00) ��\ Hail in the Conservation Commission men District of the Land Court as Title DAVISVILLE.SMALL 2-BEDROOM <br /> THE ONLY PROPERTY TO BE SOLD s.ti 40422B,containing 38J133 square feet, moot No.479,438 on Certificate of Title Shaw Real Etltate <br /> AT THIS AUCTION IS THAT PORTION Dollars to the Mortgagee by certified Hearing Room at April 18,199lat8:15p.m, more or less,as shown on said plan. DUPLEX apartment,$425/plus ,563.3442 <br /> OF THE MORTGAGED PREMISES check or by bank cashier's check at the. . HEARING on the application of William Burke for Na.113733. <br /> Together with a right of way over Wint Excepting also that portion known a utilities.First,last,security,n0 i <br /> BEINGPARCELII,KNOWNASLOTSI,2, time and place of sale.The balance orthe �' DeteriniflationdfApolicability'ohaprop+ si <br /> osal to reset stoife at the base*(the bluff then es vibiih u y said Man,for Lot 7 described above:which areal was 1}eNs-54$-6497' <br /> 3,4,6 ANA 7,LOCATED ON CANDLE, purchase price in any event�tstalre paid �,►� � -. P - <br /> NOTIC all purposes forwhfeh ways are common= released by Bank of Nlew England,N.A.,t 1-BEDROOM APARTMENT Si <br /> PINE CIRCLE,FALMOUTH,MAS- ttd'the Mortgagee by certifie heck or by and replacement of sand at 521 Teton U,used in the Town of Mashpee,irk com- <br /> SACHUSE TS,AS SET FORTH ABOVE. bank cashier's check in or within thirty Way,Assessor's Map 127.Block 79.Ie by partial release dated June 19,1989and pewissett,ideal for 1 or 2 peo- <br /> (30)days from the date of sale.The deed In accordance with the provisions mon with all others who are now or may recorded at Barnstble Registry District or BOURNE/MONUMENT BEACH. <br /> The Mortgaged Premises are to sold � P accordance with plans on file with the plc,,modern and nicely fur- <br /> shall be delivered within ten(10)days af- Town of Mash Conservation Bylaw, hereafter become lawfully entitled the Land Court as Document No.485,964 <br /> together with all of the Mortgagee's right, Y Dee Mashpee Conservation Commission. Year round,1-bedroom apart- Wished..June,July and Au ust, <br /> ter rho date ofthe approval of the sale by Cha ter 172,Rules and Regulations con- thereto. on Certificate of Title No.113733. <br /> title and interest in and to all of the fo]- P PatrickJ.Coffey Subject to a building restriction line,as meat,utilities included,WO pets, $3000,540-3005 or 563-71 3 <br /> lowing: the Land Coutt.In the event that approval corning Wetlands,and Chapter 131,8.40 Chairperson Excepting also that portion known as $600/month).508-759-5462 <br /> shown on said plan Lot 23 described above,which parcel was Y <br /> (a)all furnaces,ranges,heaters,plumb- of the deed is not obtained from the Land Massachusetts General Laws,s public April 12.19e1 D <br /> Subject to a 10 foot wide easement for released b Bank of New England,N.A.. _ <br /> in nods,gas and electric fixtures, Court within ninety(9D)days alter the hearingwill be held attheMashpeeTown y AVAILABLE BEGINNING May g g road widening,as shown on said plan. b partial release dated October 13,1989 Y <br /> screens,screen doors,mantels,shades, date of the delivery of the balance of the Ha11 in the Conservation Commission tORTGAGEE'S SALE Y P <br /> storm doors and windows,awnings,oil purchase price to the Mortgagee,(or such Heari ng Room at April 18.1991 at9:15 p.m. OF REAL ESTATE Subject to driveway easement in favor HISTORIC DISTRICT.2-bedroom labor Day,furnished l- <br /> and retarded al Barnstable County Reg- <br /> burners and tanks or other equipment p of Lot 14,containing 1,290 square feet, ist bedroom a ortment.Walk to <br /> longer time as the patties may agree),the on the application of Ronald Nation for By virtue and in execution ofthe Power ry of Deeds in Boot 8918 Page 256. apartment,close t0 everything. P <br /> as burners <br /> electric s on orators and re- more or less,as shown on said plan. Excepting also that portion known as Menauhant Beach.$15001 <br /> entire purchase price shallbereturnedto the addition of a second floor and up- of Sate contained in a certain mortgage P g $425/plus.References.564- <br /> g g Together with the perpetual right and Lot parcel month includes utilities.540- <br /> htgerating systems,ventilating and air the purchaser(a)without interest_ grade of septic system at 175 Daniel's Is- given by Robert T.Aitchison,to First P 4041 <br /> conditioning apparatus and equipment, Other terms,if any,to be announced at lead Road,Assessor's Map 100,Block 41. Security Mortgage Corporation,having a easement to use the driveway easementcontaining 1.298 square feet, <br /> by Bank of New England,N.A., 0784 <br /> door bell and alarm systems,sprinkler the sale. In accordance with plans on rile with the usual place of business in Centerville, over Lot 14, , by partial release dated April 13,1990 and <br /> more or less,for all purposes for which recordedatBarnstableCount Registry of <br /> and fire extinquishing systems,portable USTRUST, Mashpee Conservation Commission. Massachusetts,dated February le Im.oun- Y g rY <br /> ar sectional buildings,and all other fix- Plkla USTruaVNorfolk Patrick J.Coffey and duly recorded with Barnstable Coun- driveways are normally used in the Town Deeds in Book 7140 Page 163. G I FFO RD STREET LOCATION- <br /> or <br /> or nature owned by By its Attorneys, Chairperson ty Registry of Deeds in Book M4,Page of Mashpee, TERMS OF SALE: Large,Unique efficiency.Bed- Wanted t0 EXCIttiltRe <br /> LOTS 7 and lI,both as shown on Land room,Irvin room,bath perfect <br /> the Mortgagor,now or in the future con- RIEMER&SRAUNSTEIN April 12,1891 134,assigned to Connecticut National ;5,000,00 of the purchase price,for one � r Pe <br /> Court Plan 40422B,containing 26,331 <br /> rained in or on the MortgagedPremises, By:Michael J.Dinga,Esquire Bank by assignment recorded with said (1)lot or$15,000.00 of the purchase price for single. 75/including.428- <br /> usquare feet and 16J160 square feet,re- for the entire parcel,shall be aid in cash 1820 <br /> and any and all similar flxtur s hereinaf- Riemer&Braunstein TOWN OF MASHPEE Registry.Book t1675,Page 347,of which P P COUPLE WANTED-Guest house <br /> ter installed in the Mortgaged remises in spectively,as shown on said plan. or certified check or bank cashier's <br /> Three Center Plaza mortgage the undersigned is the present Y <br /> 1' Together with a right of way over Win- available in exchange for <br /> any manner which renders such articles Boston,Massachusetts 02108 ,co% holder,for breach of conditions ion- check by the purchaser at the time and d <br /> usable in connection therewith: t "? PUBLIC tergreen Road,as shown on said plan,for housekeeping and of work, <br /> (617)523.9000 d:; tained in said mortgage and for the pur- Place ofsale,and the balance is to be paid p Y <br /> 5. all purposes for which ways are common- in cash or certified or bank cashier's FALMOUTH,SPACIOUS 1- Call 540-812 <br /> (b)all machinery,equi equipment,furniture, April 10.1991 pose of foreclosing,the same will be sold Y bedroom 1 , , <br /> P ly used in the Town of Mashpee,in com- check at the offices of Robert T.Cannon, sf.flOOr,furnished <br /> inventory,building supplies,and a (April 12,19,26,1991) i= �" HEARING at Public Auction at 12:00 p.m.on May 1, <br /> pp P mon with all others who now or may Esquire,ofFurman,Cannon&Ross,255 immaculate,wail-to-wall, <br /> pliances,owned by the Mortgagor.used or \ ;r Berkeley <br /> eleyon Drive. <br /> E.Falmng outh,at MDhereafter become lawfully entitled <br /> useful in the construction,operation, �_� Berkeley Drive.E.Falmouth.Mao- Main Street,Hyannis,Massachusetts cable,washer/dryer.No pets. <br /> maintenance.or occupation of the Mart- ale Co- NOTICE sachusetts.all and singular.the premises thereto. Wanted To ReM <br /> within thirty[30)days from the dale of 548-2601 <br /> DEPARTMENT OF Reserving to Seabrook Pines Corpora- <br /> gaged Premises or any portion or unit described In said mortgage,to wit: auction. <br /> ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION tion and its successors and assigns the fee Said parcel will be sold and conveyed <br /> thereof; In accordance with the provisions of the The land with all buildings and im• D Y <br /> WATERWAYS REGULATION in Wintergreen Road,as shown on said subject to all unpaid taxes,tax liens,tax <br /> (e)all leases,contracts or agreements Town of Mashpee Conservation By-law, provements thereon,located at 30 Ber j P QUIET,NON-SMOKING M.B.L. <br /> entered into,for the lease,rental,hire or PROGRAM Chapter 172,Rules and Regulations con- keley Drive,@ Falmouth,Massachusetts plan• titles,municipal betterments and assess- student seeks room or 1 person <br /> Notice of Request for Interim Approval Each of said Lots 3.7.11 and 15 subject <br /> use by the Mortgagor of any property of cerning Wetlands,and Chapter 131,S.40 and shown as Lots 28and27.SectionF.en ments,if any,and any and all rights,re- apartment September through <br /> pursuant to 310 CMR 9.10 to Declaration of Protective Covenant, CDfldO Rentals <br /> the same nature as the foregoing Subpa• Massachusetts General Laws,a public a plan entitled"Seacoast Shores-See• servations,restrictions,easements and December. 617 375-6170, <br /> ra a bs(Oand(b)inconnectionwiththe Waterways Application dated February 12.111e8,and filed with <br /> �P Number W90-0781 hearing will beheld at the Mashpee Town lions E.F&G"dated May l5,1947, Barnstable Registry District of the Land agreements,if any,of record and so far as (708)I 530-7519 <br /> construction,operation,maintenance or Hall in the Conservation Commission FrederickC.Hahn,Surveyor,recorded in the same are now in force and effect. <br /> Martha A:Rubado Court as Document No.450,741 with Cer• <br /> occupation of the Mortgaged Premises; oin the Room tion o l Edward <br /> a&M p.m. Barnstable Plan Book hereby <br /> Page de la For authority <br /> to bean nounced at the sale. FALMOUTH.BRAND NEW <br /> Notification Date:April 1991 tificate of Title No.i13511. Forauthoritytoforecloseseesaidmort- <br /> (d)all leases,tenancies,and occupan• on the application of Edward(k Martha which plan reference is hereby made for <br /> Public notice is hereby given of the ap Each of said Lots 5,7 and 11 subject to TOWNHOUSES.3 bedrooms, Rental Wonted <br /> ties,whether written or not.regardingall Palank for a proposed house addition, ,more specific corded with Barnstable contained i <br /> plication by Martha A Rubado to main- partial demolition,second story addition gaged Iola. utility easement,dated February 24,1988, corded with Barnstable County Registry 1/z baths,near hospital,town, <br /> or any portion of the foregoing(a through tain an existing pier,ramp,float and rip p and filed with Barnstable Registry Dis- of Deeds in Book 6179,Page 001 and in schools.Read May 15. 650. Or purchase,beach locker <br /> c),all guarantees and security relating and installation of new sewage disposal Subject to and with the benefit or all B Y Y $ <br /> rap at 126 Wading Place Road,Lot 103,is filet of Land Court as Document No. Barnstable Registry District of Land McDonnell Building Co.,Inc., at Bowerman�s.If one la <br /> thereto,together with all income and pro- system at Lot 14&15 Daniel's Island easements,reservations and rights of re- g� g <br /> the municipality of Mashpee in and over 451,666 with Certificate of Title No. 540.3617 <br /> fat arising therefrom or from any of the Road.Assessor's Map 100,Parcel 39.In cord insofar as the same are in[nice and Court as Document No.453.740 an CerUfi- available,please calk Les- <br /> foregoing waters of Spoondrift Cove. 113511. . <br /> foregoing Subparagraphs(a)through(c), •�,e proposed use of the structurelsl or accordance with plans on file with the applicable. For title see Certificate of Title Na cote of Tulle No.113733. lie at <br /> Mashpee Conservation Commission. For title see Barnstable County Reg Bank of New England,N.A.,nikla <br /> and all payments due. i become due fill is noncommercial docking and boat- 1IlTra. 1.648-Sb74f00ti We1ElLE�s <br /> Patrick J.Coffey isfry of Deeds,Book 3855.Page 241. New Bank of New England,N.A. t <br /> thereunder,including,without limits- in access to navigable waters and UNREGISTERED LAND DEERCROSSING.2 bedrooms,)h <br /> tion,all rent,additional rent,damages, g g Chairperson The premises g d sold shall be subject as Assignee a the Federal <br /> � shoreline stabilization against coastal LOTS 11A,20and27as shown onaplan baths, as heat,fireplace, <br /> insurance payments,taxes,insurance April 12,1981 to a first mortgage dated January 14,1963, Deposit Insurance Corporation $ P <br /> erosion.This is a wafer dependent pro- of land entitled"'SEABROOK PINES' as Receiver of Bank of New basement,pool,tennis.Walk to <br /> proceeds,condemnation awards,or any to the United States of America,acting <br /> eel Subdivision plan of Land Prepared for <br /> with respect to options con- j DEPARTMENT OF through the Farmers Home Adminislra- England,N.A, shopping,church. moot Want �S�m <br /> payments D The Department will consider all writ- Prime Properties, Mashpee. By its Vice President, 540.7664 <br /> tained therein(including any purchase ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION tion,United States Department of Agri- <br /> ten comments submitted within 30 days Mass";Seale 1":46';bated:Nov-19, John R.Callahan <br /> Option); subsequent#-, ..-- '- WATERWAYS REGULATION culture,recorded with the Barnstable <br /> n 1986,revised 11.10.86,1.7.87 and llh•$7; <br /> • PROGRAM Registry of Deeds,Book 3855,page 242, <br /> i prepared by:Holmes and McGrath.Inc., Frank Ronne&Associates,Inc. MALE with 2 Cats looking for r- <br /> i Notice of Request for Interim Approval Said premises will be sold and con- Civil Engineers and Land Surveyors,200 � <br /> pursuant to 310 CMR 9.10 veyed subject to and with the benefit of g Auctioneer son to share East Falmouth <br /> Waterways Application any and all mortgages,restrictions,ease- Main Street,Falmouth,MA.02540,which State Auctioneer License#173 Cape.Non-smoker,$325/utili- <br /> 1 Number W904773 ments,improvements,covenants,out- said plan is recorded in the Barnstable March 29.1991 Off Cape Rentals <br /> County h`gishT of Deeds in Plan Book Aril 5,12,1991 dies included.548 5531 <br /> . <br /> John J.Norton,Jr. standing tax titles,municipal or other P <br /> Notification Date:April 11.1991 public taxes,assessments,federal and 444•Pages 84,85 and 85. <br /> Public notice is hereby given of the ap- state tax I lens,other liens or claims in the Containing 7.252 square feet,23,031 10 MINUTE DRIVE TO WOODS <br /> Lcation b John J.Norton, me nature of lions,and exiatin eneumbr- square feet and 20,80 square feet,more NEW HAMPSHIRE-Chalet,4 bed <br /> p' v g HOLE,walk to Falmouth Cen- <br /> Lainan existing pier,ramp and float at86 ancesof record created prior to the Mort. or less,respectively,as shown on said ACCOMMODATIONS rooms,fireplace,5 minutes <br /> Wheeler Road,Lot lS,in the municipality gage,if there by any.and the rights of plan. from Gunstock Mountain.Call ter,laundry,Whirlpool,deck, <br /> Together with a right of way over Win- 759.9486. cable.$325/inclusive.Will con- <br /> of Mashpee in and over the waters of tenants and occupants y,the mortgaged tergreen Road as shown on said plan,for sider single parent.548-3674 <br /> Ashumet Pond. premises tgagee be any. NOW RENTING <br /> The proposed use of the structure(s)or The Mortgagee reserves the right to all purposes for which ways are common- <br /> fill is noncommercial docking and boat- postponethe sale to a later date b public ly used in the Town of Mashpee,in com- ff--aa--ll ��tt�a <br /> r clYD mon with all others who are now or may ��1•0'D p 1,�E Rooms for Rent <br /> ing access to navigable waters from 85 proclamation at the time and date 1 .LUC1\,,f SUMMER RENTAL-Looking for 1 <br /> foot dock and lo foot x10 foot floatandiss appointed for the sale and to further post- hereafter become lawfully entitled <br /> water-dependent project. pone at any adjourned sale date by public thereto- person to share house on F.R. <br /> 7 SIZES <br /> The Department will consider all writ- proclamation at the time and date Reserving to Seabrook Pines Corpora- MASHPEE ROOMS FOR RENT Lillie Road,Woods Hole,$500/ <br /> ten comments submitted within 30 days appointed for the adjourned sale dale. tion and its successors and assigns the fee 5x5 through 10 x 30 with private bath,cable t.v, month.Kim 540-3888 days,548 <br /> subsequent to the"Notification Date"in TERMS OF SALE:The highest bidder in Wintergreen Road,as shown on said Monthly Rentals available.$75/weekly.Call 3193 evenings <br /> plan.order to decide whether to grant interim shall be required to deposit cash,a certi• pLOT 21 as shown on said plan,contain- 477-6000 <br /> Approval.A public hearing may be held fied,bank treasurer's or cashier's cheek ____ <br /> upon request by the municipal official. in the amount of TEN THOUSAND DOI, ing 24.206 square feel,more or less,as �FALMOUTH SUM SELF STORAGE 2 ROOMMATES WANTED,Fat- <br /> Furthermore,a municipality,ten citizen LARS(i10,000)at the Lime and place or on said plan.oP mouth Area.Private area near <br /> group or any aggrieved person that has sale.The cheek should be payable to Con- Together with a right of way over Win- OCEANVIEW ROOM,sundeek, pond.$212.50/plus.Call leave <br /> Falm <br /> outh <br /> rd St 709 Gifford <br /> f l id h pan,for o ., amou <br /> as sown an said submitted written comments may also necticut National Bank.The balance tergreen Rood, near beach and town,private anti- messa e548-2502 <br /> 1 petition to intervene to become a a all purposes for which are commonly g r <br /> party shall be paid by the purchaser by cash, 540-45tS0 ance,refrigerbtar,548-8334 <br /> before the close of the comment period. certified,bank treasurer's or cashiers used in the Town of Mashpee,in common l-rT � <br /> Failure to submit such petition will result check within thirty(30)days afterthe date with all others who are now or may i4.1 TR,NI ^� <br /> E <br /> in the waiver of any right to an adjudica• of sale,and shall be deposited in escrow hereafter become lawfully entitled J+V�Y HOUSEMATE WANTED to shore <br /> hereto. WEEKLY/MONTHLY with utilities, <br /> toty hearing.Further information regal- with the mortgagee pending approval of t Large house in Cataumet,$300/ <br /> dig this application may be obtained by the sale by the Land Court-The deed shall Reserving to Seabrook Pines Corpora- furnished,refrigerator,micro- month including utilities.No <br /> tion and its successors and assigns the fee MOVING wave free HBO p drink,no drugs.563-6092 <br /> contacting the Division at(817)292.580fi. be delivered within ten(!tl)days from the rivate shaw- <br /> Plans and documents for this application date of approval of the sale by the Court. in Wintergreen Road,as shown on said n, <br /> plan I er,laundry facilities,low rates. <br /> are on file with the Department for public As an additional condition and feral or 548-2643 <br /> viewing at the address below.Written the sale,in the event the sue ful bid- Subject to easement for future road ---.--__/Aki__ <br /> - <br /> comments should be addressed to:John der refuses to sign the Memorandum of shown on said plan. MASHPW S70RACE i CHEERFUL,RESPONSIBLE <br /> A.Simpson,Section Chief,DEPIWater- Sake or fails to complete the purchase in LOT 23 as shown on said plan,contain- ROOMMATE.$475/includes <br /> ways Regulation Program,One Winter accordance with the Lerms and conditions ing 25,358 square feet,more or less,as HEIGHTS,near town and beach, food,utilities,except phone. <br /> Street,Bth Floor,Boston,MAD210B. of said foreclosure sale.the holder of the shown on said plan. Rte.28,Mashpee Cooking,private entrance, Beautiful West Falmouth, <br /> mortgage reserves the right to sell the Together with a right of way over Win-{� 477-4480 security deposit.548-8430 waterview.457-1544 <br /> April 12,1901 mortgaged premises to the 11ext highest tergreen Road,as shown on sold plan,for£ <br /> f <br />