Friday,April 12,1991 Page Three B
<br /> Tie Enterprise CLASSIFIEDSAsk o clfld
<br /> P.O.Box 647 VISA 5485.4700-759-%42
<br /> Fahmwffi,MA 02541 -
<br /> t Grade Stets 1 Step If Step Ili Step IV Step V Pv►1 o�x Pr es re�om Article 11: Circle,Robin Lane,Sunset Circle,and Terry Avenue as shown on the plan
<br /> aeeamn,endoa6ra entitled, 'Layout of John's Pond Estates Located in Mashpee -
<br /> 27. 46,885.36 46,627.50 50,969.68 51,011.84 51,053.98 To see if the-Tarn will vote to demand that its Senator and Massachusetts Prepared for Town of Mashpee Scale 1"-40', Dated
<br /> 822-13 923.19 924.24 1,02.29 i,026.35 Representatives do everything necessary for the establishment of a November 26,1990,C
<br /> 22-t3 23.19 24.24 25.29 2fi.35 T1O1pe1r � E sae.796 540.34e s4ga4e � � g y ape&Islands Surveying,Inc."which is an file in the
<br /> Tax C9eec,9r 36 way a wage "SAC 1 s71121e3 reasonable state revenue sharing program for cities and towns as required office of the Town Clerk,and further that the Town vote to raise and
<br /> 37 4parm - 313.9s4 1 32U14 521.216 by Question 5,which was approved overwhelmingly by the voters at the appropriate and/or transfer from available funds and/or authorize to
<br /> 22. 48.600.96 51,124.32 63,448.72 55,773,12 58,095.44 f990 biennial stale election,!o provide for sufficient state revenues to borrow a sum of
<br /> 938.48 983.16 1,027.86 1,072.56 1,117.22 Tdd 149.19z 145575 $139,947 P money under and pursuant to Chapter 44,Sections 7 and 8
<br /> 23.46 24.5a 25.70 26.81 27.93 kelp fund Iotal services• to the John's Pond Roads Construction Account to be used for legal,
<br /> Nh,odcp Comm 39 52.30g a2aoa s2a0o engineering,construction and reconstruction expenses associated with the
<br /> 23. 51,728.56 54,192.32 56,655.04 59,119.84 61,582.56 C4uneFonA,pnp- 40 a 552,721 555b25 Sd0.625
<br /> Submitted by Board of Selectmen taking and improvement of the roads,and further that the Board of
<br /> 41 - Ex $4.17s $1.271 98270 Selectmen are authorized to acquire the fee ownership of the roads by
<br /> 994.78 1,042.16 1,089-52 1,136.92 1,129.61 42 $o Article 12: purchase,gift or eminent domain and are directed'to assess betterments
<br /> 24.87 26.05 27.24 28.42 29.61 ....Tatoll M.8961 s56.esn 1 $.odes to the owners of the land abutting the said roads,or take any other action
<br /> To see if the Town will vote to approve the annual regional school district relating thereto.
<br /> 24. 54.832.96 57,443.36 60,053.76 62.665.20 65.276.64 budget for the Cape Cod Regional Technical High.School District for the
<br /> 1.054.48 1.104.68 1,154.88 1,205.10 1,255.32 "01nee s5oo ssro s5oo fiscal year beginning July 1,1991,in the amount of$5,868,645,and
<br /> 26.36 27.61 28.87 30.13 31.39 further,to we if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate$229,721,to Submitted by Petition
<br /> ftrd*g eeerd 44 aw s0 w s° - 1nBet its share of-tile cost of operation and maintenance of the Cape Cod -
<br /> 25. 58.122.48 60,690.96 63.658.40 66,426.88 69,196.40 45 Ex sla5og S16" slow°
<br /> f,117.74 1,170.98 1,224.20 1,277.44 1,330-70 46 ap a so so so Technical High School District for the fiscal year beginning July Article 22:
<br /> roN,l s165o° $16= s10A0o 1,1991,or take any action relating thereto,
<br /> 27.94 29.27 30-61 31.94 33.27 To see if the Town will vote to amend the Zoning By-Law by deleting the
<br /> PIon616g 47$6 aW $61.939 36951.9 $57.711 Submitted by TreasursrlTax Collector period at the end of the last sentence of Article H,Section 174-3A,
<br /> Note.Rates are based on a 40-hour workweek. a
<br /> Depo6menl a8 r sae s3.800 s,6a2o s3,eoa - Marina,and substitute therefore,the following: ",unless said storage is
<br /> 49Rapid so so so located in a rack storage structure in which event it may be either inside
<br /> Submitted by Personnel Board Tad $e5aa9 sa5a39 sa1511 Article 13: or outside of a building"and by deleting the period at the end of the last
<br /> Article 4: Police 50 Sa aw $1,104A76 slAw.811 s1.109.a11 sentence of Article VI,Section 174-25.E.(5)and adding the following",
<br /> 51 Igmrse slw269 $123,9521 s123952 To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Treasurer/Tax Collector to the storage of boats in a rack storage structure,either inside or outside a
<br /> 52 co s72220 $72sm s42,2m enter into compensating balance agreements during Fiscal 1992,1993,and building,'
<br /> To see if the Town will vote to Raise and Appropriate a sum of money to T9M s12g5.964 01295.983 s1275.9es 1994;as permitted by General Laws,Chapter 44,Section 53F,or take any
<br /> amend Appendix B of the Personnel Administration Place to include a 4% aw s9s1,9s7 s939566 s929.s66 action relatingthereto.
<br /> cost of living increase(see attached Appendix B),or take any other action n,e --s1n.151- sl6asn slsa517 Submitted by Petition
<br /> relating thereto. E6 icapm Sol so 5C
<br /> Appendix B Tat+ $1,104,10e $1,103AM .91A68,6a3 Article 14: Submitted by Treasurer/Tax Collector
<br /> Article 23:
<br /> Effective 7/1/91 rlaroanndder 56 b aw s26A07 $3CA03 $19.8m To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate or transfer from To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate from available Funds
<br /> 57 me s13A0o 6105oe saam
<br /> sa tuned so so available funds the sum of$50,000 to the Assessors Revaluation Account the sum of Three Thousand Dollars($3,000)to be used for the Mashpee
<br /> Po51tmou Tea 1 $41A37 1 S41A071 $28.100 to fund expenses associated with the triennial revaluation of property as children being served by the Cape Cod Child Development Program,Inc.
<br /> Rates mandated by Chapter 77 Acts of 1979,or take any other action relating (Head Start).
<br /> .FaM SP aw a S3o.a38 $31.94o S21A2D thereto.
<br /> Temporary Secretary $9.881hr. 6D c s,l m9 s9 see S2.7so
<br /> 6r so so Submitted by Board of Assessors
<br /> Temporary Senior Clark $7.82Jhr• Tad 641A97 S4159e sa4,za Submitted by Petition
<br /> Temporary Clerk Typist $6.941hr. Neftv Warden 62 a . s0 $0 tD
<br /> 63 a m. $I5g0 s3ggg SIAm Article 15: Article 24:
<br /> D.P.W.Temporary Help_ 64 a se so so
<br /> Laborers $8.-55/hr. I ] rok4 s1 sc0 s3Ao0 s1Ao0 To see 0 the Town will vote to amend Appendix A of the Personnel
<br /> rClass I $11.34/hr. PP To see if the Town will vats to rescind action taken under Article 33 of
<br /> Truck Driver, corimmm19n 65 A . $47528 $49,5ro $41937 Administration Plan by changing the position of Assistant Assessor from the October(1)first 1990 Annual Town Meeting and further to see if the
<br /> Truck Driver,Class II $9.31/hr- mn"nv+ 66 lbponse I S6599 1 $4— Sa, labor grade 8 to labor grade 11. Town will vote to abandon the public ways taken pursuant to said article-
<br /> Heavy Equipment Operator $11.341hr- 67 co so so $a
<br /> refd SU227 $54M71 SdeA65
<br /> Submitted by Board of Assessors Submitted by Petition
<br /> (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) JAMN011 colma 66 Sallaty a 527A63 $27,9e7 S22Ad0
<br /> Lifeguard:$7.141hr, $7.431tir. $7.721hr. $8.031hr. $8.34/hr. 69 Expers. seaSD ss�2s seaz5 Article 76:
<br /> 70 ce s0 so Article 25:
<br /> icier 536313 $a6212 s90,665
<br /> (t} (1h (1h {th (1h To see if the Town will vote to amend Appendix A of the Personnel To see if the Town will vote to accept the layout and definition of Santuit
<br /> Head Guard:$8351hr, $8.68/hr. $9.03Jhr. $9.381hr. $9.751hr. Administration Plan to include the osition of Data Collector at labor
<br /> [ewn'nooec
<br /> i6r 71 a . $127aaz a129,299 s96565 p Pend Road,and Edgewater Road,as shown on the plan entitled,"Layout of
<br /> 72 Expen4r $12,937 310,970 a10a69 grade 6 and further,that the Town vote to raise and appropriate or Santuit Pond Estates Located in Mash 9e-Mass.Prepared for Town of
<br /> Beach Attendant $5.671hr. 73 $0 so s0 transfer from available funds the sum of$26.504.10 to be apportioned as p
<br /> Permit Sales Clerk $6.S 7/hr. did $14ax9 $140369 s107.134 Mashpee Scale 1"=700'Cape&Island Surveying,Inc_''which is on file in
<br /> follows: Assessors Salary Account,$18,087.30; Employee Medical the office of the Town Clerk,and further that the Town vote to raise and
<br /> Recreation Aide $6.77/hr. Insurance.Account,$5,572.80:Pension Reserve Fund,$1,810;Group
<br /> eoadaNwm, r4 Ele4:led• s4,6co s450g- - ss Insurance ACCOum,$34.D0,or take any other action relating thereto. - appropriate andlor transfer from available funds and/or authorize to
<br /> Special Police Officer(Performing Regular Patrolman Duties} $10,66/hr. 75 a ew.194 $98AI9 $79.875 borrow a sum of money under and pursuant to Chapter 44,Section 7 and 8
<br /> Special Police Officer(Performing Dispatcher Duties) $9.05Jhr. 76 Ex 546,3 77 nle 92 a44aa0 d $0 $0 339.650 to the Santuit Pond Roads Construction Account to be used for legal,
<br /> capmSr
<br /> Part-Time Public Safety Dispatcher $9,05/hr. Tear $147.0M s147A69 sl)gsze Submitted by Board of Assessors engineering,construction and reconstruction expenses associated with the
<br /> Waterways Assistants $9,00/hr. taking and improvement of the roads,and further that the Board of
<br /> TM11 78 E:nee S5r1S50g 35d1A1e s514A1e.• Selectmen are authorized to acquire the fee ownership of the roads by
<br /> `Matrons $7.62/hr- Sewn C'9mminbn 79 IN3ense I 31 AOD $I A0g $0.; Article 17: purchase,gift or eminent domain and are directed to assess betterments
<br /> "Call 8 Seasonal Firefighters: to the owners of the land abutting all roads within Santuit Pond Estates.
<br /> (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) orw. ao wageI saes $36eAdd s,W,3;e To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate$1,016 to the Town
<br /> el roe wma00 3326M $303,sw Clerks Salary Account,or take any other action thereon. Submitted by Petition
<br /> $9.07/hr.' $9.441hr. $9.83/hr. $10-221hr. $10.63/hr. sz to So sg se
<br /> Tad M6 S715/ S7149x4 Submitted by Town Clerk
<br /> $661,67e - - - Article 28: ---
<br /> 'Matrons are guaranteed a four-hour minimum when called in special. s1e„ 83 FIMWO simmo slasz6o Article 18: TO see 9 the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of$300 to
<br /> "Call firemen are guaranteed a three-hour minimum. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate or transfer from help defray expenses of Sight Loss Services,Inc.Cape Cod and Islands,a
<br /> F
<br /> wa�de6 sa /a e e $31M s3,avz $1960 available funds.the sum of$15,940 to the Library Expense Account for Cape based,human service organization that services the newly blind,the
<br /> Article 5:, Submitted by Personnel Board [Ex per"
<br /> 31AS8 s1A58 s1 membership in the CLAMS Network,or take any other appropriate.action visually impaired,and people with progressive eye disease. Said funds to
<br /> red 1 $4"1 S4.84KI 1 $21= relating thereto, be expended under the direction of the Board of Selectmen.
<br /> To see if the Town will fix the salaries of the following elected officers .
<br /> as provided in Chapter 41,Section 108,of the General Laws for the period 1 Gm.>«r ail a $755 41m 1-
<br /> Article' Submitted by Board of Library Trustees Submitted by Petition
<br /> of Jul 1,1991 to June 30,1992,and further to see if the Town will vote m etpi1ee s2a95 S2,a96
<br /> y as sD. $o `
<br /> to raise and appropriate and transfer and appropriate a sum of money to Tdrdl as1a1 sa,s,
<br /> defray the Town's expenses for the ensuing fiscal year according to the 19: Article 27:
<br /> following tine item budget with the maximum amount to be appropriated tebweIW M" 9n • e s9s.1s2 $93.132 $A=
<br /> 91 s1810o 317as4 51s,034 To see if the Town.will vote to amend the by-laws by adding thereto the The pie of this Petition is to see if the Town of Mashpee will vote to
<br /> as shown in the column entitled,'Department FY92 Request"(Omnibus 92 so
<br /> Article-See next page),or take any other action relating thereto. real S1142 1111.516 It S69537 folfewing: raise and appropriate or transfer from available funds,the sum of Four
<br /> Thousand($4,000.00)Dollars to be spent under the direction of the Board
<br /> uavy 93 a a. s57.729 $5e5 aa5 7e s7e Chapter 173 of Selectmen,to provide legal advice and representation to Mashpee
<br /> Article 6: 94 sz6.917 sz5.768 Sz5.768
<br /> 9e $01 316,94o $0 Conservation Lands residents over the age of sixty,by Legal Services for Cape Cod and
<br /> To see if the Town will vote to accept the layout and definition of IT4. S84,6461 $100SW $79.a46 Article 1 Islands,Inc.through its Elder Law Project.
<br /> Papponesset Istand Bridge with boundaries and measurements as shown on Purpose and Validity
<br /> a plan filed with the Town'Clerk on April 4,1991,entitled"Layout of a Wool %e „ Submitted by Petition
<br /> Portion of Popponesset Island Road,Mashpee,Popponesset,Mass.,scale: ramoaeRolm 97 a $moo I sl"Xwl 111.4w.o°°
<br /> 1'-40',dated March 20,1986 prepared by Charles L. Rowley and §173-1 Purpose
<br /> Associates,Civil Engineers and Surveyors,West Wareham,MA"and De°}Service Article 28:
<br /> further,to authodize and instruct the Selectmen to purchase,acquire by Tamae«ror,rnrwe21 9e $167,316 slsam0 a1� The pine of this by-law is to.protect environmental values on Mashpee
<br /> gift,or take by eminent domain on behalf of the Town of Mashpee the fee Cotaservalion Lands.These lands are defined to mean lands owned by the we the undersigned of the Town of Mashpee support the request of Nauset
<br /> ownership in the land and property,or an interest in the land and property, Plilclpollmide91/2 199 1 36NA24 $"0A00 I Town to Mashpee and/or lands administered by the'Mashpee Conservation workshop,Inc.895 Mary Dunn Road Hyannis for financial support in the
<br /> within the sidelines of said layout,and further,to authorize and instruct In}endlwde21/2 100 Commission,or water rights,conservation restrictions,easements or amount of$5,272 from the Town of Mashpee for fiscal year 1992.
<br /> - 3191.21b $156.73e - 315e,736 other contractual rights including conveyances on conditions or with
<br /> the Selectmen to acquire by purchase,gift or eminent domain an easement rf9 9 Y
<br /> over the private ways known as Daniel's Island Road and Red Brook Road, Deasemc.Cori l01 s5.a0o Sasso 76.250 limitations or reversions which have been acquired by the Conservation 7 Submitted by Petition
<br /> insofar as the same may be necessary to acquire public access rights to Commission. The Commission is authorized to adopt rules and regulations
<br /> Ouhlde 21r2 g0
<br /> the Popponesset island Bridge,the said ways being shown on Fiscal Year Iem borrowing1D2 $52.100 a0 govemfng the use of land and waters under its oontrol for the promoter
<br /> 1990 Mashpee Assessing Maps 104,105,110,and 111,and further,to lPpJnc0W0VW62lJ2 103 1 SIA73,1461 11,871646 SI.s71,64e and development supply, groundwater,flood control, erosion and Article 29:
<br /> raise and appropriate and/or transfer from available funds and/or sedimentation control,for the prevention of water pollution,for the
<br /> authorize the Treasurer to borrow a sum of money.under and pursuant to rmeresro,n:leez IJ2 '04 s901.7m sca4Aas- s834Aaa Protection and preservation of fisheries,shellfish,recreational values, $2 see the town will vale to raise and and appropriate total the sum of
<br /> Chapter 44, Sections 7 and 8 to the Popponesset Island Bridge se wildlife and wildlife habitat,and for the providing of open spaces in land $2.716 to help defray expanses of Independence House,Inc.,Caps Cod's
<br /> Construction Account to be used as necessary to pay for legal, and water areas and for all other purposes as provided for in Chapter 40, resource center for Battered Women,their children and Rape and Sexual
<br /> engineering,construction and reconstruction expenses associated with the lcourdywreri°a 105 14'e9° S-0°0°°° s4z00°° Section 8C of the General Laws of the Commonwealth, The foregoing Assault Survivors. Said funds to be expended under the direction of the
<br /> taking and improvement of the Bridge,and further,to instruct the Board of MedicalMfflnee 1D6 3mmol S90M 1 stated purpose are intended to protect these stated values for present and Board of Selectmen.
<br /> Selectmen to assess betterments to the owners of the land on future generations of Mlashpee Residents.
<br /> Popponesset Island,or take any other action thereon which may be cro m lnv w 107 $6.10D se,2so $600 Submitted by Petition
<br /> §173-2 Procedure And you are hereby directed to serve this Warrant by posting tip attested
<br /> reasonably necessary to carry out the intent of this Article. Madlcw7RCA toe Y45D9d a7s000 s7s.aoo Copies thereof,one at the Town Hall,one at the Post Office,and one each
<br /> Submitted by Board of Selectmen ne The Conservation Commission is authorized to adopt rules and regulations °n the bulletin boards,fourteen days at least before said meeting.
<br /> Pursuant to thus by-law and to make amendments thereto from time to
<br /> amnlbbusArntl• Resewrund 109 1 s122,139 $72=1 time as deemed necessary. A public hearing shall be held,pursuant to Hereof fail not and make returns of this Warrant with your doings thereon
<br /> Pv91 oEPT,rv9z PlrCom vnem rnru,anee ta0 s25Agg sl0amo Sql o0o public notice given at least fourteen(14)days prior to the dale of hearing. le the Town Clerk at the time and place of said meeting.
<br /> noun eetomm.Wotons The notice shall be published in a newspaper of.general circulation in the
<br /> velenra'SeMns 1I,1116"I f $11205 s13,206 320low Town and shall inform residents that a public hearing is to be held and Gw&n Under our hands this 1st day.of April in the year of our Lord one
<br /> 112 Membe s2041M SM= $135zo that a copy of any proposed rule or regulation or amendment thereto is thousand nine hundred and ninety-one.
<br /> r,9deda 1 sa a . shoo sl0o sla0 rover s31se5 I sa=1 $3352a available for inspection at the office of the Town Clerk and Conservation
<br /> Commission. Any rule and regulation,or amendment thereto,shall not Per order of,
<br /> selechrlen z -Elected 3125g0 $12500 $215oo py1 $17,13.3=6 sn,l7z,r21 become effective until notice and hearing and until the same is adopted by
<br /> a sa a e $1o9,34D $10d,677 3104677 vote of the Conservation Commission and publication of notice of the rule
<br /> A Ex a $14mg 015.100 515,1gn Article 7:
<br /> s ed so 30 La and regulation in a newspaper of general circulation in the town. Jeremy M.Carter,Chairman
<br /> Totes S135,640 $132,277 3122277 - Carol H.Jacobson
<br /> To see if the Town.will vote to authorize the Board of Selectmen acting §173-3 Violations and Penalties Peter M.Lawrence
<br /> through its Executive Secretary to negotiate and enter into agreement(s) Willard L.Hanson
<br /> IE con 6,Expense 91ea.250 slea250 SISaDX I with the Town of Sandwich and/or any other viable entity tor.the,purpose Tile Conservation Commission may prescribe penalties for violation of any Andrew R.Gottlieb
<br /> of planning,designing and constructing a regional facility to treat rule and regulation adopted pursuant 10 this by-law. Any such penalty BOARD OF SELECTMEN
<br /> Peraannel 7 Isoxy aw. 1 86o,068 $60.0M 1 $56,06e septage;or to take any other action relating thereto. skull be a part of the rule and regulation and shall be adopted pursuant to
<br /> a Fx te s15a s15a90 s:7,0020 —
<br /> 9 d $0 sg sg the procedural requirements set forth in this Chapter. The Conservation
<br /> red_ ___s�sass_ s7s.4ss s7s.068 Submitted by Board of Health Commission may establish a schedule of fines,not to exceed$300 per
<br /> and Board of Selectmen incident,for any violation of the rules and regulations promulgated
<br /> °a°rerae 10 F Y
<br /> hereunder, Such penalties be b indictment or on
<br /> T1ws1 SI 91 51 P enaes s e recovered
<br /> complaint before the Barnstable District Court or by non-criminal
<br /> Town Han11 a ss2.319 s3zA20 532920 Article$: disposition in accordance with Chapter 40, Section 21D of the
<br /> 1z nee stza,lro s12z,99a s103.599 1 Massachusetts General Laws. Any fines so recovered shall enure to the
<br /> ,s 122M $0 s0 so To see if the Town will vote to borrow,raise,appropriate,or transfer Mashpee conservation Fund Account of the Town of Mashpee.
<br /> ribials155A19 s165.41e s136A1e from available funds a sum of money for additional engineering servioes
<br /> Trim Mu4eum I 1d lixo8rdo 1 seal° 32a10 $2a,o associated with the planning,design and construction of a facility to Submitted by Conservation Commission
<br /> treat Septage:and to authorize the Board of Selectmen acting through its
<br /> Town Bu6dlnq a Executive Secretary to apply for,accept and expend any state or federal Article 20:
<br /> 6nsur,s4 {s 11roome 1 s5 X5 $50.275 s50.275 grants or loans which may become available for the project;or to take any
<br /> other action relating thereto. To see if the Town will vote to amend Chapter 172 Wetlands of the Code
<br /> DaaPreeeslno 16 se awege $0 s21An64 of the Town of Mashpee by renumbering the present Section 172-14 to be
<br /> 17 Fxperne 361 D00 S5 dr7 �r Submitted by Board of Health Section 172-15 and be adding a now Section 172-14 as follows:
<br /> le hd s0 s0 -so and Board of Selectmen
<br /> Told $61.000 578.941 561.00C
<br /> §172-14. Appeal Procedure.
<br /> Townlrqug119e 19 ERpeme $242.000 $33a:000 S33C,000
<br /> Article 9: Any applicant,owner,abutter,any person aggrieved,or any ten
<br /> tmml" 20 IlExperive $29,3W $35'acc s39so0 residents of Mashpee may appeal an Order of the Commission under this
<br /> To see if the town will vote to barrow,raise,appropriate or transfer Bylaw to the Superior Court of Barnstable County within sixty(60)days
<br /> from available funds a sum of money for additional engineering services following the date of issuance of the order. However,if an appeal has
<br /> icon Aea6umpM 21 sew awoo. $76A37 s77,o3a s77DU associated with the groundwater. contamination in the been made to the Southeast Regional Office of the DEQE,then said appeal
<br /> 22Expense szo.3gg stva99 319.399 Summerwood/Ashers Path area;or take any other action relating thereto. 9 pP
<br /> 23 c ua so so so period shall commence upon the date of issuance of a Superseding Order
<br /> ToolI $
<br /> 96A37 S96A37_1 s96A37 from DEQE and shalt continue for no more than sixty(60)days from that
<br /> Submitted by Board of Health -date(even though a further appeal has been made for a Final Order of
<br /> Town a.n 24 so-=r1.e+an sz55.,a s25246 s26.346 � and Board of Selectmen
<br /> 25 Sakxy eve a 114.367 $14,367 $14-167 Conditions before an adjudicatory hearing).
<br /> 26 Expense ssaso ssnso 55550
<br /> 27 Capital Sol Article 10: Note: Appeals must be made within ten days of the Commission's
<br /> said s45,363 s45a63 s45a6a decision to the DEQE as set forth in 310 CMR 10.05(7). The 60-day appeal
<br /> To see if the Town will vote to transfer the sum of money remaining from few under the local Bylaw will be tolled(suspended)during this period
<br /> r1.cn9re/ 2a sabva Wage! slawal the appropriation for Article 10 of the May 2,1988 Annual Town Meeting, of appeal for the Superseding Order.
<br /> R.glshe116n 29 1 I-Pomel S7.000 I S6,2Cg $101wo
<br /> 30 c�a1 sg, sc, __ W, for the purpose of continuing the engineering serviceslenvironmental Submitted by Conservation Commission
<br /> To,c1 szs.56o $24,985 i monitoring of the groundwater in the Summerwood/Ashers Path portion of
<br /> Town,or take any other action relating thereto.
<br /> Ansuces 31 Sdory-Fleeted $4.5M 54,5w $goo Submitted by Board of Health Article 21:
<br /> 32 sawry e w $118226 s 117595 sa6,9a6
<br /> 33 Expense s16.460 s16,760 $l6a6o and Board of Selectmen
<br /> 34 cwft so s0 so To see if the Town will vote to accept the layout and definition of Dove
<br /> Tool s139.,s5 S139,1651 $1045% Lane,Florence Avenue,James Circle,Jeanne Avenue,Owl Lane,Pond
<br />