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Friday,April 12,1991 01SS1.F1 EDS � g <br /> 548-4700 - 759-5642 <br /> LEGAL NOTICE7 <br /> LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE <br /> Article 17 <br /> authorize and empower the Board of Selectmen to acquire the fee <br /> ownership of said way on behalf of the Town by deed or by eminent To see if the Town will vote to appropriate and transfer <br /> domain,and to accomplish said purpose and for expenses incidental and $256,989.53 from the unexpended balances of the proceeds of certain <br /> related thereto to raise and appropriate or transfer from available funds a outstanding bond issues as follows: <br /> SUM of money,or take any other action relating thereto. <br /> DPW Building Construction issued 8.15.86 $6,887.35 <br /> Submitted by Board of Selectmen Local Transfer Station issued 6-1-89 $187,060.62 <br /> Article 7: Regional Transfer Station issued 6-1-89 $7,101.12 <br /> Middle Schoai Roof issued 11-1-90 $65,950.24 <br /> To see if the Town will vote to transfer a sum of money from the <br /> Board of Assessofs FY91 Salary and Wage Account to the Board of for the purpose of constructing and equipping an addition to the Senior <br /> Assessor's FY91 Expense Account,or take any other action relating Citizen Center and for remodeling, reconstructing, or making <br /> thereto. extraordinary repairs to the present Senior Center,or take any other <br /> action relating thereto. <br /> Submitted by Board of Assessors <br /> Submitted by Board of Selectmen <br /> Article'8: <br /> And you are hereby directed to serve this Warrant by posting up attested <br /> To see if the Town will vote to appropriate and transfer from copies thereof,one at the Town Hall,one at the Post Office,and one each <br /> Revenue Available for Appropriation$4,964.08 with said funds to be on the bulletin boards,fourteen days at least before said meeting. <br /> distributed as follows: <br /> Herself fail not and maize returns of this Warrant with your doings thereon <br /> Elections&Registration Salary/Wage $ 26.20 to the Town Clerk at the time and place of said meeting. <br /> Animal Control Salary/Wage $ 98.40 <br /> Shellfish Salary/Wage $ 293.48 Given under our hands this 1st day of April in the year of our Lord one <br /> Council on Aging Salary/Wage $ 526,00 thousand nine hundred and ninety-one. <br /> Building Inspector Salary/Wage $3,170.00 <br /> Leisure Services Salary/Wage $ 850.00 <br /> Per order of, , <br /> or take any other action relating thereto. <br /> Submitted by Town Accountant Jeremy M.Carter,Chairman' <br /> Carol H.Jacobson <br /> Peter M.Lawrence <br /> Article 9: Willard L.Hanson <br /> Andrew R.Gottlieb <br /> To see if the Town will vote to rescind the authority to issue BOARD OF SELECTMEN <br /> following unissued balances of authorized bonds or notes pursuant to the <br /> votes adopted under the following articles,to the extent not previously <br /> exercised,or take any other action relating thereto. <br /> Town Meeting Article No. Purpose Balance Town of Mashpee <br /> STM-Aug 8,1988 8 Police-Fire Water $15,000 <br /> 8� <br /> ATM-May 4,1987 34 Briarwood Water $1,231,000 Annual Town Meeting <br /> ATM-May 4,1987 60 Water Zone II $95,000 <br /> ATM-May 2,1988 76 Land 423-84-85 $34.000 �ABU <br /> ATM-May 2,1988 39 Land 95-6 $25,000 <br /> ATM-May 2,1988 39 Land 95.6 $25,000 <br /> Barnstable,SS: Greetings <br /> STM-March 23,1987 13 Water Supply System$1,280,586 To the Constables of the Town, <br /> STM-May 2,1988 1 Regional Transfer Sta. $25 <br /> Submitted by Town Accountant In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts,you are hereby <br /> directed to notify and summon the inhabitants of-the Town of Mashpee who <br /> Article to: are qualified to vote in the elections to meet at the Mashpee Middle School <br /> on Monday,the 6th day of May,1991 at 7:30 p.m.for the fallowing <br /> To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate or transfer purposes: <br /> from Revenue.Available for Appropriation a sum of money to the Police To act on the articles contained in the following Warrant. <br /> Salary/Wage.Account a contract between the Town and. <br /> Intefrrational Brotherhood of Police Officers(Local 389,Unit A)for the <br /> period beginning July 1,7989,or take any other action relating thereto. Article 1: <br /> Submitted by Board of Selectmen To choose for a one-year term a burial agent,or take any other action <br /> relating thereto. <br /> Article 11: <br /> ., Submitted by Board of Selectmen <br /> To see if the Town,will vote to raise and appropriate or transfer <br /> from Revenue Available for Appropriation a sum of money to the Police Article 2: <br /> Salary/Wage Account to fund a contract between the Town and <br /> International Brotherhood of Police Officers(Local 389,Unit B)for the To see if the Town will vote to accept the reports of Town Officers,or <br /> period beginning July 1,1989,or take any other action relating thereto. take any action relating thereto. <br /> Submitted by Board of Selectmen Submitted by Board of Selectmen <br /> 'Article-12 Article 3:,NA <br /> _ r i <br /> To'seeAT the Town{`will'vote'tti raise'-and appropriate or transfLr 1 - <br /> from Revenue Available for Appropriation a.sum of money to the Fire To see if the Town will vote r Raise and Appropriate a sum of money too <br /> Salary/Wage Account to fund a contract between the Town and the Fire amend Appendix A of the Personnel Administration Plan a include a 4/ <br /> Department for the period beginning Jul 1,1990,or take an other action cost of living increase(see attached Appendix A},or take any other action <br /> p .P e9� 9 Y Y relating thereto. <br /> relating thereto. APPENDIX A SALARY SCHEDULE <br /> Submitted by Board of Selectmen EFFECTIVE 711191 <br /> (Pending Town Meeting Appropriation) it <br /> Article 13: <br /> Grade Step 1 Step Il Step III Step IV Step V <br /> TO see if the Town will vote to appropriate or transfer from Revenue <br /> 1 Available for Appropriation$440.80 to the Veterans Unpaid Bills Account, 1. 14.355.12 15.038.40 15,721.68 16,404,96 17,088.24 <br /> t or take an other action re thereto. 276.06 289.20 302.56 315.88 328.22 <br /> Town of Mashpee Y 9 7.56 7.88 8.22 <br /> Special Town Meeting <br /> Submitted by Town Accountant fi.91 7.23 <br /> l' SA Article 14: 2. 15,217.28 15,943.20 16,666.00 17,391.92 18117.84 <br /> 292.64 306.60 326.50 334.46 348.42 <br /> To see if the Town will vote to accept the provisions of Chapter 291 7.31 7.66 6.01 8.36 8.72 <br /> co' of the Acts of 1990,thereby allowing the Town of Mashpee to receive <br /> Greetings enhanced 911 defined in said Act and if acceptance and 3. 16,130.40 16,898.96 17,666.48 18,435.04 19,369.28 <br /> Barnstable,ss: g 310.20 324.98 339.74 354.52 369.28 <br /> notification to the Secretary of the Commonwealth of said acceptance 8.86 9.24 <br /> occur on or before December 11,1991,the Town will also receive at no 7.76 8.12 8.5D <br /> To the Constables of the Town, cost,the benefits of enhanced 911 network features and network <br /> components,including at least one public safety answering point and any 4. 17,097.60 17,912.96 18.726.24 19,540.56 20,355.92 <br /> In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts,you are hereby other enhanced features that may be made available by the 328,80 344.48 360.12 375.78 391.46 <br /> directed to notify and summon the inhabitants of,the Town of Mashpee who statewide emergency telecommunications board. 8.22 8.61 9'01. 9.39 9.79 <br /> are qualified to vote in the elections to meet at the Mashpee Middle School <br /> on Monday,the 61h day of May,1991 at 7:30 p.m.for the following 5. 18.124.08 18.986.24 i9,849.44 20,712.6¢ 21,575.84 <br /> purposes:' Submitted by Chief of Police <br /> 348.54` 365.12 381.72 398.32 414.92 <br /> 9.55 9.96 10.37 <br /> To act on the articles contained in the following Warrant: <br /> Article 15: 8.72, 9.13 <br /> To we 9 the Town will vote to amend the Town Code by adding thereto the 6. 19,211.92 20,126.08 21,042.32 21,956.48 22.871.68 <br /> Article 1- 369.46 38.7.04 404.66 422.24 439.84 <br /> following: 9.24 9.67 10.12 10.56 10.99 <br /> To see it the Town will vote to appropriate and transfer$3,406,40 §103-10. Regulation of Flea Market or Bazaar. <br /> from the Temporary Borrowing Outside 2 112 Account,$2.162.18 from the 7. 20,363.20 21,332.48 22.301.76 23,272.08 24.241.36 <br /> Wastewater Facility Account,$7,541.34 from the Middle School Roof 391.60 410.24 428.88 447.54 466.18 <br /> Account,$24,780.40 from the Interest Inside 2 1/2 Account,$5,425.33 A. The purpose this regulation is secure the protection of 9.79 10.25 10.72 11.19 11.66 <br /> and to <br /> from the Police Station Addition Interest Account,and$1,796.70'from the the public <br /> health and safety of thea inhabitants at the Town <br /> provide for'the furnishing of adequate health and <br /> Treasurer Issuance of Debt Account for a total of$45,112.35 to the 8.. 21,586.24 22,613.76 23,642.32 24,669.84 25,698.40 <br /> Interest on Temporary Borrowing Inside 2 112 Account,or take any other safety inspections to accomplish this purpose. 415.12 434.88 454.66 474.42 494.20. <br /> action relating thereto. B. For the purpose of this section,flea market or bazaar shall 10.38 10.87 11.37 11.86 12.36 <br /> Submitted by Treasurer/Collector mean any indoor or.outdoor facility principally used for the 9. 22,881.04 23,970.96 25,059.84 26,149.76 27,239.60 <br /> sale of goods,ware,or merchandise in one locality by any 440.02 460.98 481.92 502,88 523.84 <br /> hawker,peddler or transient vendor who engages in any 11.00 11.52 12.04 12.57 13.09 <br /> Article 2: temporary or transient business in Mashpee and who has not <br /> had town taxes assessed upon his stock in trade. 10. 24,252.80 25,408.24 26,562.64 27,718.08 28,672,46 <br /> 466.40 4,88.62 510.82 533.04 555,24 <br /> To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate or transfer G The operator of a flea market or bazaar shall be required to 11.66 12.22 12.77 13.32 13.88 <br /> from available funds a sum of money to the Falmouth Tuition Account,or request inspection of the facility by the Police Department, <br /> take any other action relating thereto. Fire Department,'Health Department and Building Inspection 11. 25,710,68 26,934.96 28,159.04 29,383.12 30,607.20 <br /> Submitted by Board of Selectmen Department,and such other departments as the Beard of 494-44 517,98 541.52 565.06 688.60, <br /> Selectmen shall determine. The said inspection shall be on 12.37 12.95 13.54 14.12 14,72 <br /> Article 3: a daily basis.when the facility is operating or at such <br /> lesser interval as determined by the Board of Selectmen, 12. 27,251,12 28,548.00 29,846-96 31,143.84 32,441.76 <br /> To see if the Town will vote to raise and.appropriate or transfer but in no event less than weekly. 524.06 549-00 573.98 598.92 623.88 <br /> from Revenue Available for Appropriation a sum of money to the Medical 13.10 13.73 14.35 14-98 15.60 <br /> Insurance Account,or take any other action relating thereto. D. The operator of the facility shall be required to collect a <br /> tee of$5.00 per day from each hawker,peddler or transient 13. 28,886.00 30,262.96 31,636.80 33,012.72 34,389.68 <br /> Submitted by Board of Selectmen vendor, He shall be required to give a receipt therefor and 555,50 581.98 608.40 634.86 661.34 <br /> shall maintain a permanent record thereof showing the date, 13.88 14.55 15.21 15.87 16.54 <br /> name and address of the payee. This record will be made <br /> Article 4• available for inspection by any of the Town departments 14. 30,619.68 32,077.76 33,534.80 34,672.96 36,700.98 <br /> performing inspections. All fees collected shall be paid 588.84 616.88 644.90 672.96 700.98 <br /> To see if the Town will vole to raise and appropriate or transfer over to the Town Treasurer on the next business day that 14.72 15.42 16.12 16.83 17.52 <br /> from Revenue Available for Appropriation a sum of money to the the Town Office is open. A copy of the receipt record will <br /> Temporary Interest Account and a sum of money to the Interest on Refunds be given to the Town Treasurer with the fees paid. 15. 32,624.14 34,653.86 35,663.58 37,713.30 38,743.02 <br /> Account,or take any other action relating thereto. 624.14 653.66 683.58 717.84 718.58 <br /> E Each hawker, peddler or transient vendor selling or 15.60 16.35 17.09 17.84 18.58 <br /> Submitted by Board of Selectmen bartering goods,wares or merchandise at the facility shall <br /> r be obliged to pay to the operator the'sum of$5.00 per day .16. 34,404.24 36,042.24 37,680.24 39,318.24 40,956.24 <br /> for payment to the Town to reimburse the Town for the 661.62 693.12 724.62 756.12 787.62 <br /> Article 5: inspection costs incurred by the Town. 16.54 17-33 16.12 118.911 19.69 <br /> To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate or transfer F. Insofar as the same may be applicable,the other definitions 17. 36,467.60 38,204.40 39.940.16 41,676.96 43,414.80 <br /> from Revenue Available for Appropriation a sum of money to the Otis and provisions contained-in this Chapter 103 shall.apply 701.30 734.70 768.08 801.48 834.90 <br /> Trailer/Lakeside Trailer Account, or take any other action relating hereto. 17.53 18,37 19.20 20.04 20.87 <br /> thereto. <br /> or take any other action relating thereto. � 18. 38,654.72 40,494.48 42,335.28 44,176.08 46,016.88 <br /> Submitted by Board of Health 743.36 778.74 814.14 849,54 884.94 <br /> Submitted by Board of Selectmen 18.58 19.47 20.35 21.24 22.12 <br /> Article 16: <br /> Article 6: 19. 40,973.92 42,923.92 44,877.04 46,826.08 48,779.12 <br /> To see if the Town will vote to appropriate and transfer from the 787.96 825.46 863.02 900.54 938.08 <br /> To see if the Town will vote,notwithstanding any provision of the Planning Department Salary/Wage Account$14,299 to the Planning 19.70 20,63 21,58 22.52 23.45 <br /> Town By-Laws to the contrary,to accept the layout of Donna's Lane as Department Expense Account,or take any other action relating thereto. 20. 43,432.48 45.501.04 47.568-56 49,637-12 51,7a5.68 <br /> shown on a plan entitled'Donna's Lane Plan of Land Located in Mashpee, 835.24 875.02 914.78 964.56 994.34 <br /> Mass. Prepared for Town of Mashpee Scale 1"-40'feet,4130/91 Cape& Submitted by Town Planner 20.88 21.87 22.87 23.87 24.86 <br /> Islands Surveying Inc.131 Spring Bars Road Falmouth Mass.',and to <br /> 4 <br />