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Mashpee Board <br /> Of Appeals Minutes ofApril 23,2003 <br /> 1 <br /> TOWN OF MASHPEE <br /> Zoning Board of Appeals <br /> Minutes - Wednesday, April 23, 2003 <br /> The Mashpee Zoning Board of Appeals held Public Hearings on Wednesday, April 2 <br /> 2003 at 7:00 P.M. at the Mashpee Town Hall. Clerk Robert Felson along with Associate <br /> Members Marshall Brem, and Zella Eli en erry was in attendance. <br /> Mr. Felson opened the hearing at 7:05 p.m. <br /> Mr. Felson reads hearings that have been continued: <br /> Michael Gra field has been continued until May 2 , 2003 <br /> Boyd Martin has been continued until May 14, 2003. <br /> Bay Point Realtv 'Frust: Requests a Special Permit under Section 174-2 -H- of the <br /> Zoning By-laws in order to build an accessory structure (private garage) on property that <br /> cannot be developed as a principle residential use located in an 1 -3 zoning district at One <br /> Point Road Flap 114 Parcel 3 Mashpee, IIA. <br /> AND <br /> Bay Point Realms.Trust: Requests a variance from Section 174-31 of the Zoning By- <br /> laws to vary the front, side and rear setbacks s and for lard space requirements in order to <br /> build a private garage on property located in a -3 zoning district at One Point Road <br /> (Map 114 Parcel 3 Mashpee, MA. <br /> Sitting: Robert Felson, Marshall Brenn and Zella Eli en erry <br /> Mr. John Slavinsl y of Cape & Islands Engineering, represented Eric Ben ay who was <br /> also present. This hearing was continued from March 12., 2003 at which time the Board <br /> asked ed petitioner to work things out with an unhappy abutter, submit some plans or a <br /> drawing of the proposed garage and work out the road problem. At tonight's hearing the <br /> Board discusses further with Mr. Slavinsly the fact that the redesign of the road has been <br /> removed from the plans and hence does not become an issue for the Board of Appeals. <br /> Mr. Breen does not life the idea,of a garage standing alone on a detached piece of <br /> property. He feels it could become an eyesore and there would be no recourse to tale to <br /> care for it. Mr. Nelson suggests having this lot tied into the deed to Mr. Benway's other <br /> property so that should it be sold— it would be done together. The Board is unhappy with <br /> the whole idea at this point. Mr. B nway could build a garage that would not need a <br /> variance but it would not be a garage and it would have a bizarre look to it. They could <br /> o this without use of the Board of Appeals but it would be ugly. Mr. Ben ay would like <br /> to have a continuance granted. Mr. Felson again mentions the garage would not be by <br />