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Mashpee Zoning Minutes—May 10, 2000 6 ,,,"� .,•. <br /> s Board of Appeals <br /> PUBLIC HEARINGS �. <br /> Ernest&Maria Dolan—Request a Variance from Section 174-31 of the Zoning ` ! <br /> By-laws for permission to vary the front setback requirements to allow for construction <br /> of a single-family home on property located in an R-3 zoning district at 92 Uncle Percy's <br /> Road (Map 117 Block 183)Mashpee, MA. <br /> r <br /> Sitting: Edward M. Govoni, James E. Regan III.and Robert G.Nelson. <br /> Mr. and Mrs. Dolan attended the hearing. Mr. Dolan referred to the plans and said that <br /> the existing dwelling would be demolished and a new home would be constructed. Mr. ag ; <br /> Hauck confirmed that a Special Permit is not required to apply for demolition of a home <br /> in an Overlay District. The Board of Health has approved the project. <br /> No comments were received from abutters. <br /> Mr. Regan moved to grant a Variance from the front setback requirements of 9.5 feet to <br /> Clover Lane, subject to criteria 1, 2, 3, 4 and findings 3, 4 and that the existing shed must <br /> be relocated in order to comply with setback requirements. <br /> George A. Benway III—Requests a Variance from Sections 174-31, 174-32 and 174-33 <br /> of the Zoning By-laws for permission to vary the front setback requirements, the setback ry, <br /> requirements to the water and wetlands and the fire protection requirements to allow for <br /> construction of a single-family home on an unpaved road on property located in an R-3 , <br /> zoning district at 37 Monomoscoy West Road(Map 114 Block 11)Mashpee, MA. Owner '; <br /> of record: Mary R. Brown, Trustee/Minnie Trust. i <br /> IIID <br /> Continued from April 12, 2000 to allow applicant an opportunity to obtain <br /> Conservation Commission approval. <br /> Sitting: Edward M. Govoni, James E. Regan III and Robert G. Nelson. # , <br /> Mr. David Sanicki of Cape & Islands Engineering represented the applicant and stated �� <br /> that the small 5,635 square-foot lot presents because it is impacted by wetlands. The lot b„ <br /> has frontage on two roads - Overlook Road, a paper road, and Monomoscoy West Road, <br /> a dirt road. Proposed lot coverage would be only 5%. The Conservation Commission . <br /> has approved the project. The Board of Health has approved the project subject to <br /> installation of a new denitrification system. Mr. Benway also attended the meeting. <br /> The Board received several letters in opposition to the proposal. + <br /> Mr. George Leach, an abutter, said that the lot is not buildable and that the lot is actually <br /> smaller than the Assessor's Map shows. Mr. Leach said that the paper road is not a true <br /> road and is under water during high tide. <br /> I <br /> Trl r� <br /> d • <br />