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TOWN OF MASHPEE <br /> Minutes—Zoning Board of Appeals <br /> Wednesday, May 23, 2001 <br /> The Mashpee Zoning Board of Appeals held Public Hearings on Wednesday, <br /> May 23, 2001, at 7:30 P.M. at the Mashpee Town Hall. Board Members present <br /> were Vice Chairman James E. Regan III, Clerk Robert G.Nelson and Associate <br /> Members Richard T. Guerrera, Zella E. Elizenberry, Frederick R. Borgeson and <br /> Marshall A. Brem. Building Commissioner Russell W. Wheeler also attended the <br /> meeting. Chairman Edward M. Govoni was not present. <br /> PUBLIC HEARINGS <br /> Frederic W. B1 the—Requests a Special Permit under Section 174=2519 of the Zoning <br /> By-laws for permission to construct a pier, ramp and float on Popponesset Creek on <br /> property located in an R-3 zoning district at 228 Wading Place Road(Map 112 Block 59) <br /> Mashpee, MA. <br /> Sitting: James E. Regan III, Frederick R. Borgeson and Marshall A. Brem. <br /> Attorney Paul C. Wightman and Engineer Dave Reall represented the Petition. Mr. <br /> Blythe also attended the meeting. Attorney Wightman said that the plan approved in <br /> 1997 has been revised and that the proposed location the dock is approximately 34 feet <br /> finther to the west. <br /> Attorney Wightman said that the Petition has been in litigation for years. The Agreement <br /> for Judgment was to dismiss the Appeal, to move the location of the dock and for the <br /> dock to be a shared facility with Mr. Siegfried, an abutter. <br /> Mr. Borgeson asked what would be the means of access and if the Petitioner plans to <br /> remove vegetation to facilitate that. Mr. Reall said that a walkway is not needed as the <br /> pier is at mean high water level. <br /> Mr. Brem asked for clarification of the proposal. Mr. Reall indicated that it would be 144 <br /> square feet, within the 150 square-foot size limit. The floats would be removed <br /> seasonally. -- <br /> Mr. Regan read a memo from the Shellfish Constable requesting more information on the <br /> proposal. Attorney Wightman indicated that information will be forwarded to the <br /> Shellfish Constable. The Petitioner is scheduled for a Conservation Commission hearing <br /> on June 7, 2001. E-mail Mr. Jim Hanks from the Waterways Commission asked for <br /> continuance of the hearing to allow the Petitioner an opportunity to notify the <br /> Commission of the proposal. <br /> i <br />