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t. <br /> I 'I <br /> Town oJ p Mash ee <br /> � y� <br /> IT <br /> y 16 Great Xeck oad Xorth <br /> °LUE` MasvMASHPEE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALShpee,lYlassachusetts 02649 <br /> Decision for a Variance <br /> RE: Jeannette J. Lazarovich V-01-127 11 Pondview Avenue <br /> Map 58 Parcel 79 <br /> A Petition was filed on November 1, 2001 by Jeannette J. Lazarovich of Mashpee, <br /> Massachusetts for a Variance from the lot size requirements as required in Section <br /> 174-31 of the Zoning By-laws and that the Zoning Board of Appeals determine that j <br /> the property located in an R-5 zoning district at 11 Pondview Avenue, Mashpee, <br /> Massachusetts (Map 58 Parcel 79) is a separate and buildable lot. <br /> Notice was duly given to abutters in accordance with Massachusetts General { ,+ <br /> Laws Chapter 40A. Notice was given by publication in The Mashpee Enterprise, <br /> li IIJ <br /> a newspaper of general circulation in the Town of Mashpee, on November 23 and <br /> November 30, 2001, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof. <br /> A Public Hearing was held on the Petition at the Mashpee Town Hall on <br /> Wednesday, December 12, 2001, at which time the following members of the Zoning <br /> Board of Appeals were present and acting throughout: Robert G. Nelson, Frederick R. j <br /> Borgeson and Marshall A. Brem. ;+ <br /> The Mashpee Zoning Board of Appeals issues this Decision pursuant to the <br /> provisions of Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 40A Section 6 and the Town of j <br /> Mashpee Zoning By-laws. j <br /> Mrs. Jeannette J. Lazarovich and her daughter, Janet Hubbard, represented the <br /> Petition. Mrs. Hubbard said that her parents bought the lot at 45 Shorewood Drive in <br /> 1966 and constructed a single-family on it. Mr. and Mrs. Lazarovich bought the abutting j <br /> lot at 11 Pondview Avenue two years later with the intention of selling it at some future <br /> date. A garage was built on the subject lot. Mrs. Lazarovich stated that both of the lots <br /> were purchased from the same individual. <br /> Attorney John Kowalski of Clark' Balboni & Gildea submitted a letter in <br /> opposition to the proposal from a direct abutter, Sandra Burroughs at 21 Shorewood <br /> Drive. <br /> Mrs. Hubbard said that her mother asked permission from the Town to combine j <br /> the two lots after her father died several years ago. Mrs. Hubbard said that her mother j <br /> still receives two separate tax bills on the two subject properties. <br /> The Board voted unanimously to continue the Petition until January 9, 2002 to !`F <br /> conduct research on the Petition request. <br /> I <br /> I, <br /> � j <br />