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1 R <br />--- s= Town of Nashpee <br />/ BOARD OF APPEALS 16 Great JVeck Ppad dVorth <br />Mashpee, Massachusetts 02649 <br />Decision for a Special Permit <br />RE: Robert W. & Natalie K. .27 Wheelhouse Lane/5 Waterline North Drive <br />Schlundt SP -99-34 Map 120 Block 166/Map 120 Block 171 <br />A Petition was filed on March 29, 1999 by Robert W. & Natalie K. Schlundt of <br />Newton, Massachusetts for a Special Permit under Section 174-25.I.9. of the Zoning <br />By-laws for permission to construct a pier, ramp and float on Jelin Pond on property <br />located in an R-3 zoning district at 27 Wheelhouse Lane (Map 120 Block 166) and 5 <br />Waterline North Drive (Map 120 Block 17 1) Mashpee, MA. (Owner of record of 5 <br />Waterline North Drive: New Seabury Properties L.L.C.) <br />Notice was duly given to abutters in accordance with Massachusetts General <br />Laws Chapter 40A. Notice was given by publication in The Mashpee Enterprise, a <br />newspaper of general circulation in the Town of Mashpee, on April 13 and April 20, <br />1999, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof. <br />A Public Hearing was held on the Petition at the Mashpee Town Hall on <br />Wednesday, April 28, 1999, at 7:30 P.M. at which time the following members of the <br />Board of Appeals were present and acting throughout: James E. Regan III, Robert G. <br />Nelson and Richard T. Guerrera. <br />This Decision is issued by the Mashpee Board of Appeals pursuant to the <br />provisions of Massachusetts General Law, Chapter 40A, Section 9 and the Town of <br />Mashpee Zoning By-laws. <br />Mr. Norman Hayes of the BSC Group represented the applicants and stated that <br />the applicants are seeking permission to connect the temporary ramp and float to a <br />walkover structure. He further stated that the Conservation Commission, Harbormaster <br />Perry Ellis and Shellfish Constable Richard York have all approved the project. Mr. <br />Hayes also said that the applicants have received authorization from New Seabury LLC <br />for the connection of the ramp and float to the walkover structure. Mr. Hayes submitted a <br />letter from the Little Neck Bay Association expressing approval of the project. He also <br />submitted letters from the Architectural Review Committee stating that they will support <br />the Little Neck Bay Association's approval. Mr. Hayes stated that a shellfish study was <br />conducted. <br />Mr. Hayes said that the entire structure will not exceed 70 feet. He stated that the <br />structure will remain in the water from May until it is removed in October to be stored at <br />Little River Boatyard. Mr. Hayes stated that a mooring fee is paid and the structure must <br />be removed and stored appropriately. He informed the Board that there is no need for <br />state and federal permits as long as the structure is temporary and seasonal. <br />