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Board of Appeals Robert W. & Natalie K. Schlundt SP -99-34 2 <br />Mr. Regan agreed that the project is sensible since the walkover structure will <br />avoid disturbing the marsh in the area. Mr. Hauck stated that this petition comes under <br />the Board's jurisdiction because the applicants are connecting a land structure with the <br />ramp and float. <br />Mr. Fohlin, an abutter, attended the meeting and stated that he has no objection to <br />the proposal. He informed the Board that he and another neighbor would also like to <br />build one dock that they would share. Mr. Regan suggested that Mr. Folan start the <br />procedure to obtain a Special Permit for construction of his own dock. <br />No other comments were received from abutters. <br />FINDINGS <br />General Findings <br />1. the subject properties are located at 27 Wheelhouse Lane (Map 120 Block <br />166) and 5 Waterline North Drive (Map 120 Block 17 1) Mashpee; MA. <br />Special Permit Criteria <br />Section 174-25.I.9 states that the Board must find that the structure will not <br />unduly interfere with the free passage of travel by water or land or cause or contribute to <br />the substantial disruption or degradation on the marine or coastal environment. <br />Specific Findings <br />1. the proposed seasonal docking facility will be an accessory to an existing <br />dwelling and is a permissible use upon the grant of a Special Permit. <br />2. the proposal has been approved by the Harbormaster and the Shellfish <br />Constable whose responsibilities include safety on the water and protection of <br />the marine environment. <br />3. the proposal has been reviewed by the Conservation Commission to address <br />impacts on the coastal environment. <br />4. the use is in harmony with the general purpose and intent of the By-laws. <br />In view of the foregoing, the Mashpee Board of Appeals found that the applicant <br />met the criteria necessary for the granting of a Special Permit. Upon motion duly made <br />and seconded, the Board of Appeals voted unanimously on April 28, 1999 to grant the <br />Special Permit. The Permit is conditioned upon compliance with "The BSC Group, Inc. <br />Site Plan and Vegetation Management Plan for 27 Wheelhouse Land and 5 Waterline <br />Drive North in Mashpee, Massachusetts, Dated September 8, 1998, Revised 12/21/98 and <br />4/14/99, Prepared for Robert Schlundt, Drawing No. 4267-01, Job No. <br />4-0179.00". <br />