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Board of Appeals Andrew and Gloria A. Kariotis - V-96-9 2. <br /> Findings: <br /> A. General <br /> I. the subject property is located at 67 Tide Run and consists of 17,500 square <br /> feet fronting on Jehu Pond. <br /> 2. the immediate neighborhood consists of single family homes many of which <br /> have a dock on Jehu Pond. <br /> 3. the proposed dock will be accessory to an existing dwelling and is a <br /> permissible use with the R-3 zoning district upon grant of a Special Permit <br /> from the Board of Appeals. <br /> 4. the length of the proposed pier, ramp and float does not comply with the <br /> provisions of the Zoning By-laws and the applicant requires a Variance to <br /> exceed 70 feet in length. <br /> B. Variance Criteria <br /> Section 10 of Chapter 40A requires that the permit granting authority determine <br /> that there are circumstances relating to the shape and topography which affect this <br /> lot and not the district in which it is located and that a literal enforcement of the <br /> By-laws would result in hardship to the Applicant. <br /> C. Specific Findings <br /> 1. the subject property fronts on Jehu Pond Bay and is substantially impacted by <br /> the extensive marshlands and shallow water. <br /> 2. the shape and topography of the lot prevent the placement of the dock in any <br /> other location. <br /> 3. the unusual topography affects this lot and not the district in which it is <br /> located. <br /> 4. the proposed 96 foot walkway, ramp and float will be an improvement to the <br /> property and result in less impact on the marshland environment. <br /> 5. the proposed plans have been approved by the Harbormaster, Shellfish <br /> Constable and Conservation Commission. <br /> In view of the foregoing, the Mashpee Board of Appeals found that the Applicant <br /> met the criteria necessary for the granting of a Variance. Upon motion duly made and <br /> seconded the Board of Appeals voted unanimously on January 24, 1996 to grant the <br /> Variance. The Decision is conditioned upon compliance with plans of Michael H. <br /> Grotzke dated December 15, 1995 and signed by the Board of Appeals Chairman. <br />