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i <br />TOWN OF MASHPEE <br />BOARD OF APPEALS <br />Minutes <br />October 25, 1995 <br />The Mashpee Board of Appeals held a meeting on Wednesday, October 25, 1995 at 7:30 <br />P.M. at the Mashpee Town Hall. Board members present and acting throughout were: <br />Edward M. Govoni, Chairman; James E. Regan III, Clerk and Associate Members Cheryl <br />A. Hawver and Robert G. Nelson. Board members absent were John J. Friel and Kenneth <br />E. Marsters. Building Inspector William F. Hauck was in attendance. <br />John D. and Carol A. Crowley - Request a Variance from Section 174-31 of the Zoning <br />By-laws for permission to vary the setback and lot coverage requirements on property <br />located in an R-3 zoning district at 108 Uncle Percy's Road (Map 117, Block 248) <br />Mashpee, MA The applicants propose to build a deck 12.5' from Nick Trail and a shed <br />10' from the rear property line. <br />Members sitting: E. Govoni, J. Regan, C. Hawver <br />Engineer David Sanicki represented the applicant and informed the Board the subject lot <br />was located on a comer and contained 6,500 sf. The owner wants to add a deck and shed <br />which will result in 24% lot coverage and a 12.5' setback from Nick Trail. Mr. Govoni <br />read a letter from an abutter, Dr. Brennan, stating that she had no objection. Mr. Hauck <br />said earliest zoning was 20' front and 7.5' side in 1959 but this was in a 1940 subdivision <br />before zoning. <br />Ms. Hawver said the location on the comer created a hardship in the use of the land. Mr. <br />Govoni moved to grant a Variance of 7.5' on the North East side to allow for a 12.5' <br />setback from Nick Trail and to allow for lot coverage of 24%. He said that the relief <br />would not be a detriment to the neighborhood. Ms. Hawver seconded. All agreed. <br />Gloria M. Stankowski - Requests a Variance from Section 174-31 of the Zoning By-laws <br />for permission to vary the frontage and lot size requirements in an R-5 zoning district on <br />property located at 13, 17, 21 and 25 Ashumet Avenue (Map 41, Block 33; Map 49, <br />Blocks 107, 108 and 109) Mashpee, MA The applicant proposes to combine four lots <br />into two lots. <br />Members present: E. Govoni, J. Regan, C. Hawver, R. Nelson <br />Ms. Stankowski explained that she did not know of the zoning change in 1990 and she had <br />maintained the four lots and was paying taxes and betterments. She had purchased the <br />lots in 1972. John Slavinsky, engineer, said the assessor's have combined the four lots <br />into one lot which is assessed for $28,500 and is subject to betterments of $7,270 plus <br />• interest. Each lot was 11,800 sf which was larger than many of the lots. <br />