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Review of Rules and Regulations, including plan to ensure/enforce gardeners' volunteer <br />time and tasks. <br />Ms. Scharfenberg handed out copies of the rules and regulations to review. They also <br />discussed that gardeners need to have more commitment to volunteering. One suggestion <br />was to have gardeners sign upon a calendar which days/tasks they would be willing to help <br />with. <br />Ideas for 2022 educational programming and materials for gardeners (composting, extreme <br />weather impacts, gardener sharing of garden tips/plants they recommend trying/etc.). <br />Options for winter 2021-2022. <br />Ms. Harris suggested inviting gardeners to a Zoom meeting in March to discuss plans for the <br />2022 season. One of the topics should be about proper use and upkeep of the compost bins. <br />Mr. Gallello agreed compost is a problem and asked if we should close off two of the bins. Mr. <br />Carter asked about putting a trash bag in the shed. They will discuss this again atthe next <br />meeting, but all agreed it needs to be brought to the attention of the gardeners. <br />Ms. Harris also suggested we pencil in events on the calendar at the April MCGAC meeting. <br />Ms. Scharfenberg said we should figure out exactly what we want to do at the January <br />meeting. <br />ADDITIONAL ā€˛TOPICS: This space is reserved for topics that the Chairman did not reasonably <br />anticipate would be discussed. <br />ADJOURNMENT <br />Mr. Gallello motioned to adjourn. <br />Mr. Carter seconded. <br />Vote: 4-0-0 unanimous <br />NEXT MEETING DATE: Wednesday, January 19, 2021 at Town Hall <br />Meeting adjourned at 8:09pm. <br />Respectfully submitted, <br />Katrina ;wingi <br />` boaid Secretary <br />2 <br />