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Mashpee - Wakeby Lake Management Committee <br /> January 25,2022 <br /> 7:00 PM <br /> Mashpee Town Hall <br /> Meeting called by Debi McManus <br /> Type of meeting: Monthly <br /> Secretary Barbara B. Nichols <br /> Attendees: Members: Mike Rapacz, Donald MacDonald, Barbara Nichols, Paul Bibo <br /> Guests: Vivian Sun, Arden Russell Cadrin <br /> The minutes of the November 23, 2021 meeting were accepted as written after a motion by Paul Bibo and <br /> second by Don MacDonald. <br /> Agenda topics <br /> [Agenda topic 1] Lake level/River outflow <br /> Discussion: Measurements were taken by Debi McManus on December I". and 15"'. Both were 55.4. <br /> above sea level. There were 11.5 inches of water flowing over the board closest to the lake both times and 9 <br /> and 8. inches of water in the stream a foot out from the stairs. Debi also took measurements on January 2"d <br /> and 16"'. The lake level was at 55.4 and 55.5 feet above sea level with 12 inches of water flowing over the <br /> board both times. There was 9.5 and 5 inches of water in the stream a foot out from the stairs, with a lot of <br /> sand having built up in the stream on the 16t". Barbara measured 2.7inches of rain in her gauge in Dec. and <br /> 4 inches in January. There was some ice buildup on the gauges. Levels were reported to Drew McManus in <br /> Conservation. <br /> Conclusions: The water level is fairly stable. Sand build up in the stream is occurring. <br /> [Agenda topic 2] 'Lakewood Road Run-off into <br /> Mashpee Lake <br /> DPW has placed a bean on the road edge at the top of the area where road run-off occurred into Mashpee <br /> Pond. <br /> Paul brought pictures. There have been no damaging rains to test the area since the repair. There was a <br /> quick response by DPW to this pond contamination site. <br /> Conclusions: A berm has been placed to prevent road run-off into the Pond. <br />