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[Agenda topic 3] Clean Water Plan <br /> Discussion: The December 131h meeting was postponed due to the increase in covid cases. The Select <br /> Board have been meeting with committees individually to keep groups small. Mike brought a map with <br /> the phases drawn out. Mashpee Wakeby Pond is in Phase two along with Santuit Pond. Funding from the <br /> State Revolving Fund has been obtained and the plan is to get shovels in the ground in the spring. <br /> Funding will be sought at the May town Meeting for phase two. Education is needed for the town folks <br /> prior to the vote so they will understand why the ponds need to be included in this phase. Mike will write <br /> a letter to the Mashpee Enterprise and the Alliance will be involved. <br /> Questions remain such as the involvement of Sandwich and Joint Base Cape Cod. Willowbend will be <br /> included as they will take wastewater from the plant. <br /> Conclusions: The sewerage plan is making good progress. Voter education is needed. <br /> [Agenda topic 4] Lake Water Quality <br /> Discussion: The request for Proposal for the Mashpee Wakeby Pond Study is out on the street and four or <br /> five companies have shown interest. The decision should be made this month. and the study begin in the <br /> spring. Arden Russell Cadrin spoke for the Alliance and said they would be willing to help with Water <br /> quality testing if trained. <br /> Conclusions: The decision will be made in March and the study begun in the spring. <br /> [Agenda topic S] Searching for Eagle Nesting Sites <br /> Discussion: Katelyn Cadoret, Assistant Conservation Agent is looking for evidence of bald eagle nesting <br /> in the area. Eagles have been seen but no nests have been confirmed. Please report any sitings to her or <br /> Paul Bibo who will relay the information. <br /> Conclusions: Eagles have been seen in the area, but no nesting sites have been documented. <br /> The meeting was adjourned at 7:40 P.M. <br /> Respectfully submitted, <br /> Barbara B. Nichols <br /> i <br />