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�M <br /> �h. Mash ee lncCuswn and Diversity Committee <br /> 16 Great Neck RoadXorth <br /> Mashpee, MA 02649 <br /> 2. Column <br /> Mr. Kupferman gave insight to his article about Carter G. Woodson the founder of Black <br /> History Month. His photo was courtesy of the National Park Service. He is recognized in <br /> many museums. <br /> 3. Elderly Pedestrians Safety Update <br /> Mr. Fand reached out via phone and spoke with two women. He will be following up by <br /> visiting those places. The Director is very interested in assisting. <br /> Ms. Stevenson noted that something can be posted to the bulletin board looking to seek <br /> input from anyone and ask if there are any solutions. <br /> The update of the LCP for the town could be useful towards future sidewalks and <br /> crosswalks. MIDC could submit a statement of what could be done for those who are <br /> elderly or low income who do not have transportation or cars of their own. <br /> OLD BUSINESS <br /> 1. Diversity Project <br /> Ms. Stevenson explained the project collects stories and photographs of immigrants. The <br /> kickoff event for this exhibit will be held at the Public Library for the summer, comprising of <br /> four Mashpee residents and the rest students. Kathy Mahoney chose the date and it falls <br /> on a Sunday, so the Library gave special permission to be open. Becky Field is also <br /> available for that presentation. The project is underway and Mr. Kupferman, along with The <br /> Enterprise, has agreed to edit the stories of the students. This takes the burden off the busy <br /> teachers. <br /> Chairwoman has made contact to find sponsorship for financial support. She reached out to <br /> Mass Cultural Committee for money. The new Rotary Club of Mashpee invited Ms. <br /> Stevenson to sit in on their next meeting. She may get some cooperation within these <br /> groups. Lastly, the Finance Director for the schools as well as the town are aware <br /> donations will be made towards this effort. <br /> Ms. DeBoer recently got an invoice that was paid by the school. <br /> Ms. Stevenson noted the use of Zoom is helpful in limiting costs for travel. Ms. Field's rates <br /> are reasonable. There is still a need for materials for pictures, photo finish, and frames etc. <br /> that will require more funds. <br /> 2. Recruitment of New Members <br /> 2 <br />