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1 qy <br /> Mashpee IncCuslim and Diversity Committee <br /> 16 Great Neck Road North <br /> Mashpee, MA 02649 <br /> Ms. Stevenson referenced her book club with the League of Women Voters and the book <br /> they read called Waking up White. <br /> Ms. Hicks sat in on the Restorative Justice Group in Falmouth prior to her book club. That <br /> did not feel like a group that was for her, and she wanted to dig her heels into Mashpee, <br /> her community. <br /> Q2. What role do you think this committee plays in this town? A lot of people aren't <br /> familiar with the Committee. Do you have a sense of what it is? <br /> Ms. Hicks attended the first Race Amity Day. In her participation from last meeting she <br /> recalls some discussion revolving around the need for safer crosswalks for seniors. She <br /> does not know a whole lot, but she understands concepts. <br /> Ms. Stevenson suggested she look to the town website and read the purpose for the <br /> Committee under the MIDC tab. <br /> Q3. Will you be able to attend meetings? Would you be willing to devote extra time <br /> for events? <br /> Ms. Hicks especially looks forward to the extra events, which is an area where she thrives. <br /> She is available to attend meetings as well. She inquired if a member has to reside in <br /> Mashpee. <br /> Chairwoman commented ideally, yes. The municipal employees have ties to Mashpee. <br /> There are voting and non-voting members. Ms. Landry works in the Human Resources <br /> Department and she acts as an advisor. Ms. Hennessey is from the Police Department. <br /> There is a representative from the Select Board and Amna is the student representative <br /> from the school. <br /> 3. Establish Race Amity Day Committee <br /> Chairwoman Stevenson stated in reviewing her notes from Race Amity Day she realized <br /> there needs to be a subcommittee to start this process soon. She was given the name <br /> Elizabeth Childs. She also noted Deb Davis and her involvement last year. She would also <br /> like to get Sherry Pocknett involved. It will be held the second Sunday in June as this is a <br /> statewide program. Timing will need to be coordinated with the Tribal Council <br /> Ms. Nadeau commented that the Donovan's will be back April 1 st and will be ready to jump <br /> in with both feet. If something happens before then they are available through Zoom. She <br /> also noted Trish Keliinui and Winnie Johnson- Graham. <br /> 5 <br />