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Mashpee IncCuslon and Diversity Committee <br /> 16 Great .Neck Road 3Vorth <br /> Mashpee, MA 02649 <br /> Meeting Minutes <br /> Tuesday, March 15, 2022 5:00p.m. <br /> Virtual Zoom Meeting <br /> Meeting ID: 884 3143 1958 <br /> Passcode: 226509 <br /> Public Call-In Number: 1-646-558-8656 <br /> APPROVED 4/19/2022 <br /> Present: Chairwoman J. Marie Stevenson, Dan Kupferman, Amna Igbal, Gail Wilson, Kim <br /> Landry, Patricia DeBoer, Rachel Hicks, Winnie Johnson-Graham, Rolf Brandt <br /> Absent: Katie Hennessey, Richard Klein, John Cotton, Mohamad Fand, Jayden Bryant <br /> CALL TO ORDER <br /> Chairwoman Stevenson called the meeting of the Mashpee Inclusion and Diversity Committee <br /> to order at 5:04P.M., with not enough members for a quorum. <br /> APPROVAL OF MINUTES: February 15, 2022 <br /> Mr. Kupferman cited page three, the middle paragraph starting with Ms. Nadeau, both third and <br /> seventh lines, the use of the word deferred should be changed to referred. Correction made to <br /> notes. <br /> The vote for approval of the minutes will be postponed until next meeting due to not enough <br /> voting members. <br /> MEMBER UPDATES <br /> 1. Coalition <br /> Chairwoman represented the Coalition at a large meeting hosted through Duxbury for <br /> anyone involved with EID, and it was very informative. The members of the Coalition have <br /> strategies on how to handle Critical Race Theory. There are two upcoming meetings. She <br /> forwarded the No Place for Hate Barnstable invite. On March 29th from 6:30p.m.-8:00p.m. <br /> there is a meeting about Black and Jewish allies against hate. She is hoping both meetings <br /> will be recorded as she is unsure if she can attend both. <br /> Falmouth hired a DEI person who was representing the town and the school district. There <br /> were problems with that and it did not work out as that person resigned after eight months. It <br /> seemed problematic trying to attend to both, almost impossible. <br /> 1 <br />