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[Agenda topic 3] Maslipee Wakeby Lake Water <br /> Quality <br /> Discussion: Ashley Fisher was unable to attend the meeting so there was no new information. <br /> Conclusions: There was no information. <br /> [Agenda topic 4] Spring Newsletter <br /> Discussion: Barbara presented the newsletter she had written and members felt it was adequate. Barbara <br /> will send it on to the Town Manager for his approval and then proceed to have it posted on the town web <br /> site. <br /> Conclusions: The spring newsletter is completed. <br /> [Agenda topic 5] Harbormaster <br /> Discussion: Several new candidates have applied for the job. In the meantime, John and Rick Santangelo <br /> will serve as acting harbormasters. It is hoped to fill the position soon. <br /> Conclusions: The appointment of a new harbormaster is pending. <br /> [Agenda topic 61 Lowell Holly <br /> Discussion: Winslow Dresser emailed that the swim areas will reman in place prohibiting motorized <br /> boats. The reservation will be open sunrise to sunset from South Sandwich Road, and 9-5Wed.-Sunday <br /> via the seasonal access road, if a ranger can be found to staff it. Inquiries should be directed to <br /> wdressff, 508-636-4693 X5011. <br /> Conclusions: Rules remain the same. A ranger position is open. <br /> {Agenda topic 71 Clean Water Plan <br /> Discussion: Mike wonders if we should write a letter to the select board asking that they still include the <br /> phasing of the lake early in the sewer plan. All were in agreement and very disappointed that Phase 2 <br /> finding had been dropped from the town meeting agenda. <br /> Conclusions: Disappointment over lack of action on the sewer plan persists. <br /> The meeting was adjourned at 7:55 P.M. <br /> Respectfully submitted, <br /> Barbara B. Nichols <br />