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%Paul stated that on a. technical basis he has a fundamental <br /> disagreement with the ZBA. <br /> Whether or not is has environment impacts no one can prove <br /> but if there is a question the permit should not be granted <br /> and in each case it has been granted. <br /> There is proof that a longer pier is not better and his <br /> opinion has been ignored. <br /> Tom s tated .that the goal of the Harbor Management plan is to <br /> have it finished by the October meeting. <br /> Tony suggested putting a 12 month limit on article 2. <br /> Mike stated that there are other things to considered -- the <br /> health of the relationship between the Boards. He believes <br /> the Planning Board does not trust the ZBA on this issue . <br /> Louise stated that is an intent that he is interpreting, it <br /> is not her intent. why have zoning by laws and road <br /> standards, why not trust the Planning Board. <br /> Judy asked, if article 2 was in place what would be grounds <br /> for denial? Legally they are putting themselves in a <br /> position to never be able to deny? <br /> Rich stated that they could not grant the special permit. <br /> Tony stated that it is the Boards opinion that it does <br /> belong in 174,33 <br /> They would recommend not approving because it does not <br /> belong in that section. <br /> They would need to know the amended section now to make a <br /> report on that. <br /> Judy made a motion to report to town meeting that the <br /> Planning Board is not if favor of article 2 as worded. Pat <br /> seconded the motion. All Board members were in favor. <br /> ZBA will recommend on the floor to amend it to the correct <br /> section and will discuss it with town counsel. <br /> Judy made a motion that the Board does not recommend it even <br /> with the amended section number based on the Harbor <br /> Management plan being close to completion which will have <br /> its own set of recommendations and in discussion, it is <br /> apparent the the docks need further discussion. <br /> ARTICLE 3 <br /> Tony stated that this is the appropriate section for this to <br /> be in and in light of the previous discussion he can see a <br /> one year limit on this. <br /> As written, it has the potential for unlimited restrictions <br /> for no reason. He would like to see it in place for a <br /> reasonable amount of time. <br /> Pat asked what if this is one of the recommendations of the <br /> Harbor Management plan, then they will have to fight for <br /> this article again. <br />